  • 學位論文

台灣太陽光電系統之生命週期評估 及產業效益分析

Life Cycle and Industrial Analysis of Taiwan PV Industry

指導教授 : 林師模


伴隨著人類各種活動而排放的溫室氣體,造成了全球暖化的現象,對人類生存環境產生了極大的威脅。生命週期評估(LCA)方法主要係用來分析產品或技術的環境污染情形,利用生產及消費的過程來估算一個產品從搖籃墳墓的過程中,其原料採集、加工製造、成品生產、使用與丟棄所產生的污染情況。LCA透過資料蒐集來估算每階段的投入與產出狀況,而利用分析的結果也可作為政策評估、產品比較與污染排放等參考之用。 近年來,學者們在以往的資料盤查分析之外,開始結合投入產出分析(產業關聯分析)來進行生命週期評估,使原先針對商品生產鏈流程的分析,從產品面擴展至產業面的分析。此類分析根據該商品生產的上、中及下游將產業部門分割,再透過該商品產業與其它產業間中間商品投入的互動來執行生命週期評估,評估結果除了可以了解該商品產業部門對於環境的影響,搭配最終需求衝擊的應用,也可以觀察到產業帶動的效果。然而,從政策模擬的角度上來看,可計算一般均衡模型分析的應用更有其獨特之處,透過對模型外生變數的衝擊模擬,可以檢視許多總體經濟變數的變動,而由於模型與投入產出分析使用相同的投入產出表(及產業關聯表),其與傳統的資料盤查分析也有互補的作用。基於此,本研究進一步透過可計算一般均衡模型來進行生命週期評估,而透過比較傳統的流程法、結合投入產出分析法與可計算一般均衡模型法的結果,將可以對台灣的太陽光電系統做更為完整的生命週期評估,而這些分析結果也可以提供產業效益分析之用。


Greenhouse gases resulted from human activities have been identified as one of the major sources of global warming. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a method frequently used for analyzing the effect a product or technology may have on the environment over its life cycle. Based on the data collected at all stages of the product’s life cycle, one is able to calculate the energy consumed as well as the polluting gases emitted from production to abandon, which can be used in assisting product development and energy policy decision-making. Recently, LCA has been extended to make use of the input-output tables to take into account the inter-industry linkages observed in the economy. Integrating input-output information into LCA has another advantage over traditional process-based LCA. That is, it provides the opportunity of performing impact analysis resulting from a change in final demands. However, from the perspective of policy simulation, computable general equilibrium (CGE) model offers more possibilities than input-output analysis does. As such, this study utilizes all three approaches of LCA to conduct the LCA analysis for Taiwan’s PV industry. Comparison of the results obtained from different approaches is made, and industrial benefit analysis based partially on the results is also performed.


