  • 學位論文


From an Overseas Compatriot Education to Chinese Education- A Case Study of Daegu Overseas Chinese Elementary School in Korea

指導教授 : 夏誠華


韓國華僑教育的歷史悠久,早期華僑為了使其子女接受傳統中國教育,因此設立了華僑學校,並且培養出許多優秀的華僑人才。韓國的華僑學校在過去也曾有過蓬勃的發展。然而,韓國政府卻對華僑採取了經濟限制的政策,使得許多韓國華僑因生存困難而在1970年代後移民它地。一些韓國華僑學校受到華僑人口減少、華僑學生招生不足的影響,面臨經營不善、甚至倒閉的困境。而華僑學校則必須以招收韓籍學生來維持學校的正常運作。同時,在全球華文熱的影響下,也使得韓籍學生就讀華僑學校的人數增加,韓國華僑學校的教育現況已產生變化。 本研究以韓國大邱華僑小學為研究主題,希望透過對學校現況的研究,以了解在華僑學生減少、韓籍學生增加的情形下,學校整體的運作情形及其所遭遇的困難。在本研究中,採用文獻分析法、訪談法和問卷調查法針對學校華僑教育歷史變遷、學校行政組織運作和學校教育現況等方面進行資料蒐集。 韓國大邱華僑小學自1941年創校以來,已有70年的歷史,在當地具有特定的歷史價值和教育地位。然而,近年來因華僑學生減少以及全球華文熱的影響,校內的韓籍學生大增,有越來越多的韓國家長為了提升子女的競爭力,將子女送到華僑學校學習華語。雖然韓籍學生增加能暫時解決學校的財務危機,但因為學校本身教育環境、師資、教材、韓國教育政策等方面的問題,均使得學校仍在發展上遭遇困境。此外,教育對象的改變也逐漸讓學校華僑教育的宗旨產生變化,學校正處於從華僑教育走向華文教育的過渡時期。 在目前的發展困境下,學校必須針對各項問題進行改善,未來才能繼續生存與發展。首先是學校的教學環境,應更新學校的硬體設備,提供學生一個優良的教育環境。再來,應盡快整頓學校的行政組織運作以及加強和董事會的配合,促進學校各項政策的落實。更重要的是,要提升教師的素質並使用適合當地學生的教材,以提升整體教學成效。未來學校若能順利由華僑教育轉型為華文教育的形式,發展為國際學校,才能擺脫目前的發展困境,以另一種形式在當地繼續推動中華語言和文化。


Overseas compatriot education has a very long history in Korea. In the past, overseas Chinese compatriots has established overseas compatriot schools in order to teach their children the traditional Chinese education. Moreover, there were many overseas Chinese had become talented person after they graduated from the school. And the overseas compatriot schools had been flouring during that time. However, because the South Korean government took the economics limit policy to Korean overseas compatriots, many overseas compatriots has moved to other countries to live in 1970s. Due to the decrease of overseas compatriot population in South Korea, some Korean overseas compatriot schools had crisis for running, some schools even closed. Under this condition, Korean overseas compatriot schools must recruit the Korean students to maintain the running of schools normally. At the same time, the global Chinese fever has caused many Korean students attending the overseas compatriot schools. Therefore, the education situation of Korean overseas compatriot schools has changed. The topic of this research is Daegu Overseas Chinese Elementary School in Korea. This research aims to realize the situation of school running and the difficulties that the school has been confronted result from increasing Korean students. In this thesis, document analysis method, interview survey and questionnaire survey are the research methods employed to collect the research material and data on the school history, organization and current development. It had been 70 years since Daegu Overseas Chinese Elementary School was established. And the school has the particular historical value and educational status in Daegu. However, due to the decrease of overseas compatriot students and the influence of global Chinese fever in recent years, the Korean students have increased in the school. Besides, there are more and more Korean parents send their children to the school because they think learning Chinese will help enhance their children’s competitiveness. Although the increase of Korean students can solve the financial problem temporarily, there are still problems such as educational environment, teachers, teaching materials and Korean government’s educational policies that cause the difficulties of the school development. In addition, the change of the education objects in the school is also changing the aim of overseas compatriot education gradually. Daegu Overseas Chinese Elementary School is now in the transition from an overseas compatriot education to Chinese education. There are problems that the school must take action to improve. In that case, it will be possible for the school to survive and maintain the running in the future. First, the school must update all the facilities and provide a good environment to the students. Next, the school should implement the educational policies by reorganizing the operation of the school administration organization and making good cooperation with board of director. Most importantly, the school should advance the teachers’ quality and use suitable teaching materials to the students. If Daegu Overseas Chinese Elementary School succeeds to make transition from an overseas compatriot education to Chinese education, furthermore, become an international school, it will get through the difficulties and continue to promote the Chinese language and culture in another way in Korea.




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