  • 學位論文


Learning Effects on Internet Literacy Using the Creative Teaching Strategy on Junior High Students.

指導教授 : 李新鏘


本研究主要在了解運用創意教學策略對國中生的網路素養的學習效果。文中將網路素養定義為指具備操作網路的基本知能和技能外,能評估網路資訊也同時能安全的使用,且能與他人進行合乎情理法的溝通與互動。 根據教育政策、文獻探討,了解網路素養課程應包含教學的內容,設定認知目標、情意目標,並運用創意教學策略將網路素養課程規劃成一個新奇又有趣的活動以讓實驗組參與,對照組則運用傳統講述法。課後並就認知目標、情意目標進行後測以及一個月後的延宕測驗。 統計結果顯示,實驗組和對照組在認知目標的資訊評估與安全認知層面沒有顯著差異,但網路法律層面在後測與延宕測驗皆有顯著差異,在網路倫理層面在後測有顯著差異,延宕測驗則無顯著差異;情意目標的自我感受和學習滿意度在後測與延宕測驗皆有顯著差異,實驗組整體學習效果高於對照組。本研究中所使用的創意教學策略在情境營造、內容豐富度和帶給學生的收穫方面,普遍獲得學生肯定,教學中所運用的各種創意策略能引起學生學習興趣。


This study aims to assess the effects of using creative teaching strategy on junior high school students’ internet literacy.Internet literacy is defined as possessing the ability to surf the Internet, to verify and safely make use of Internet information, and to be able to communicate and interact with others ethically, reasonably, and legally. According to the educational policy and the literature review, courses of understanding internet literacy should comprise teaching content, cognitive objectives, and affectiveobjectives. Internet literacy courses to which creative teaching strategies were applied were conducted to an experimental group. Meanwhile, didactic instruction method was conducted to a control group. After instruction, a post-test on cognitive objectives and affective objectives was given, and a delayed-test was given after a month. In relation to cognitive objectives, statistics reported that both the experimental group and the control group showed no significant differences in information evaluation and safety awareness. There were significant differences in terms of cyberlaw in both post-test and delayed-test. Significant differences were showed in terms of internet ethics in the post-test; however, there were no significant differences in the delayed-test. In relation to affective objectives, significant differences were showed in terms of self-perception in both post-test and delayed-test.There were significant differences in terms of learning satisfactionin both post-test and delayed-test. Moreover, the learning outcome of the experimental group was better than that of the control group. The creative teaching strategies that were adopted in this study were widely recognized by students, and students’ learning interests were stimulated because of the situation building and abundant teaching content.


洪榮昭、林雅玲、林展立(2004)。國中小創意教師教學策略之研究—四位創意教學特優教師的個案分析。教育心理學報, 35(4),375-392。
教育部(2008)。中小學資訊教育白皮書。台北市: 教育部。
