  • 學位論文


Integrating Maker Movement into the Teaching of Science and Technology in the Elementary School: an Action Research

指導教授 : 袁 媛


本研究旨在探討在國小自然與生活科技課程運用創客精神發展教材與教學活動之歷程。研究者同時兼具課程設計者與教學者之角色,透過行動研究的方式,發展具有創客精神之教材,並於任教學校之二個六年級班級進行二次教學行動歷程。在歷程中,研究者進行多方資料蒐集、整理與分析,歸納出設計創客精神融入國小自然與生活科技課程教材應注意之事項,並詳述相關創客教學活動所面臨的教學困境與解決策略,最後討論此創客教材對於學生之學習成效與態度之影響,並得出結論如下: 一、透過文獻資料和研究團隊討論創客之精神,並運用創客精神發展教材與教學活動,選用符合學生能力的題材進行創客活動,將能得到最好的創客成效;科技性的創客工具教材,對於國小學童仍具有意義與價值。 二、創客活動需要有適當的班級經營與課程設計才能發揮最大效益,同時以黑客松之小組合作方式進行,恰能收到創意激盪與合作學習的功效,促使學生呈現積極學習態度。 三、創客精神的傳遞是深遠且具意義的,可以增進學生知識的攝取與交流,學生對於曾經親手實作的活動具有認同與興趣,可以反饋於學習。 四、創客教學是多元具挑戰性的活動,教師需要先具備創客精神,學生需要教師引領,而各種教學困境是日後創客教學的最佳養分。


The purpose of this study is to explore the process of integrating Maker Movement into the development of teaching materials and activities for the course of science and technology in the elementary school. To reach this goal, an action research is applied. The researcher plays the role of both curriculum designer and instructor and choses two sixth grade classes for a two-cycle teaching. During the research period, multiple data were collected and analyzed. The researcher summarized the precautions of designing the materials with the spirit of Maker Movement in the course of science and technology in the elementary school, described the teaching difficulties and strategies about Maker Education. Finally, the influence of the teaching materials on the learning achievement and attitude of the students was discussed, and draw the following conclusions: First, based on results of literature review and discussions of research team, the researcher decide to choose Maker activities that meet students’ ability, and this is believed to get the best success. For primary school children, the introduction of high technology tool is also meaningful and valuable. Second, the implement of Maker activities should be in conjunction with appropriate class management and curriculum design to maximize the effectiveness of the group. At the same time, cooperation approach of Hackathon can be used to receive creative agitation and cooperative learning effect. It will help students establish positive attitude towards learning. Third, the experience of Maker activities is far-reaching and meaningful. It can enhance the students’ knowledge of the intake and help them exchange ideas. Also, students face act-on activities are with identification and interest, and this can help in learning. Fourth, the design of activities is a challenge. Teachers need to recognize Maker movement first, and students need be guided to learn. Any kind of teaching difficulties are the best nutrient training in the future.


