  • 學位論文


Exploring the Process of Interdisciplinary Communication-A Case Study of Design and Marketing Interdisciplinary Team

指導教授 : ARRAY(0xbe33764)


現在企業內有許多跨部門組合,因人員來自不同領域,在溝通上形成障礙,影響團隊的進度與績效表現。目前台灣逐漸走向自有品牌(Brand in Taiwan),設計漸成為企業的發展重點。而過去的研究多為行銷及研發人員之間的相關研究,有關設計及行銷人員互動的相關研究在國內仍很少。加上學校課程設計中少有跨領域的課程,以此為出發點,藉由本校的服務學習跨系合作課程,來研究企管系與商設系之間的跨領域溝通議題,透過研究學生們的互動來釐清行銷與設計人才之間的溝通障礙為何,以供專案管理人員作為借鏡。 本研究主要目的是探討跨領域合作的溝通問題。研究情境以在服務學習課程中的企管系及商設系的同學做為研究主體。此課程的時間為一學年的連續課程,主要是讓學生在學校即有合作的實戰經驗,可從中培養問題解決能力,也較符合企業實際狀況。本研究將透過兩年的課程研究,來探討兩系的合作過程中所造成溝通有效或障礙的原因為何,並研究溝通障礙的解決方案。本研究採用混合研究方式做為此次的研究方法,以質性研究的訪談方式來探究團隊合作之歷程。在團隊合作整體性結果,則以量表方式來測量跨領域合作的溝通效能與團隊績效的關聯性。 本研究透過合併分析後得到下列結論:形成團隊跨領域障礙的因素來自於成員認知風格差異、專業背景以及抱持著未能肯定自我專業價值的心態。由於成員認知風格差異使得團隊成員對溝通管道的偏好不同,以及思考模式的差異,使得團隊的成員在工作上產生摩擦,形成溝通障礙。而因為彼此的專業背景不同,各自有其專業語言,因此常發生聽不懂對方的專業語言造成溝通上的障礙。此外,由於成員未能對自己的專業價值予以肯定,使得不敢向對方要求專業上的努力,也不敢在發生問題當下與之溝通,造成彼此的溝通障礙。但是這些跨領域溝通障礙都可以透過建立團隊關係讓團隊能持有動力共同面對解決問題。研究也發現,團隊成員的認知風格差異會影響團隊的溝通頻率。當認知風格差異大時,團隊的程序溝通以及面對面溝通就會提升,但是團隊的協調溝通以及非面對面溝通就會降低。研究中也發現,成員的認知風格差異則可以產生互補作用提升團隊的規範性績效、創意性績效以及整體績效。另外,研究結果發現,團隊透過程序溝通、協調溝通以及面對面溝通頻率也有助於團隊的規範性績效、創意性績效以及整體績效的提升。


There are many interdisciplinary teams working in business organizations today. Since interdisciplinary team is about a group of people from different departments, it is like that they will have difference in views and opinions. As a result, they are likely to have difficulties in communication. And these problems can also have great impact on the performance of an interdisciplinary team. Most of the researches about interdisciplinary team focus on the cooperation between R&D and marketing teams. But there are very few researches about the interdisciplinary cooperation between the design and marketing people, which has become very important today. This research is a study of the interdisciplinary communication between marketing and design people in the context of a service learning course at an university. It is hoped that the result of this study could help the project managers who are involved in interdisciplinary teams. Since this research is about the communication within the interdisciplinary teams. The research results demonstrate the difficulties the students encountered in the process of interdisciplinary communication. Moreover, the process of how they solve the problems throughout the course will also be included. In order to find out the process of communication, this research use mixed method, which combines quantitative and qualitative methods. The results show that the different cognitive styles and different professional background of team members could be barriers to communication in the interdisciplinary team. In addition, if team members couldn’t have confidence in their own profession, it could raise the barriers in the process of communication. However, the evidence demonstrates that the relationship between members could help interdisciplinary team reduce these barriers. The results also show that the difference between team members could affect the frequency of communication, which could result it improving the performance of interdisciplinary team. Finally, the performance of interdisciplinary team could rise up through the frequency of communication.


張存金、盧淵源 (2001)。研發團隊結構特性及整合機制與研發績效關係之研究—因徑分析模式。企業管理學報,49,97-134。


