  • 學位論文


From Rice-Reaping Dimsum to Common Diet --- A Study of “Png4-thng” in Wandan

指導教授 : 潘江東


本文研究具有地方特色的庶民飲食-飯湯,以屏東縣萬丹鄉為研究場域,希望能記錄飯湯的形成背景以及割稻生活經驗,勾勒出獨具萬丹地方風味的飯湯;並描繪出當地社群習以為常的飯湯飲食文化,如何以各種面貌頻繁的現身於生活中,形成地方獨特的飲食圖像。 本文運用立意抽樣的方式選擇研究對象,選取四個不同背景世代的16位在地居民,進行深度訪談。研究結果發現,萬丹小農耕作模式與相互換工的傳統,發展出「倒稻排」的割稻方式,形成三餐正餐加一次點心的特殊形式,顛覆傳統割稻飯一天吃五餐的認知。當地居民「習慣熱食、喜多湯水且具有飽足感」的飲食傾向,發展出“飯菜混食”“以湯泡飯”的特殊米食料理。「飯湯」原為農婦挑到田裡食用的「點心」,在田埂邊同鍋共食的飲食經驗,逐漸成為當地割稻飯的代名詞。 飯湯深深影響當地婚喪喜慶、廟會節慶、居家及外賣的飲食內涵,成為地方性飲食文化的代表。選用食材以經濟實惠為考量,必備的食材有豬肉、鮪魚、豆枝及在地時蔬;其從生產到食用,無需高級的食材、精細的刀工,更無繁文縟節的進食儀式,將地方性格表露無遺。


飯湯 割稻飯 倒稻排 萬丹味 吃菜頭


The research studies a local common dish- Png4-thng in Wandan Township, Pingtung County. The main purpose is to record the development of Png4-thng and the rice-reaping experience, which are the unique features of Png4-thng for Wandan local character. Furthermore, the research shows how the local food, Png4-thng , appears in the Wandan locals’ daily lives and has become a token of Wandan food culture. Purposive sampling was used in the research to select subjects.Sixteen local citizens from four different backgrounds and generations were chosen to conduct an in-depth interview. The research found that the traditions of peasant farming and worker exchange in Wandan led to a type of rice-reaping way, making rice stalks fallen while reaping. Unlike the traditional rice-reaping practice providing five meals a day, a new dietary habits was developed: three main meals and a snack per day. The local people prefer haivng hot, soupy, and easily-filled food, thus developing some typical rice dishes based on the rules of “mixture of rice and vegetabels ” and “rice served in soup.” Png4-thng used to be a kind of “snack” served in fields when farmers farmed. Due to the life experience of sharing the same pot of Png4-thng beside ridges between fields, Png4-thn has gradually become a synonym for the local rice-reaping food. Png4-thng deeply influences Wandan locals in various aspects such as wedding, funerals, temple fairs, festivals, daily lives, and other diets.Therefore, Png4-thng can be considered as a representation of the local food culture. Economy is the main consideration when choosing ingredients for Png4-thng. Pork, tuna, bean jujubes, and local vegetables are the main required ingredients. No lavish ingredients, fine culinary technoques, and complicated table manners are needed in the proceses of making and having Png4-thng, which totally expresses its local character .


林香君,2009,〈蘭嶼達悟人飲食文化的重構-文化生態學的探討〉,《餐旅暨家政學刊》, 6.1。


