  • 學位論文


A Study on living adaptation of immigrants in Hakka Community: An example of Ruangiao District in Hsinchu County

指導教授 : 吳明烈


本研究旨在探討新竹縣軟橋客家聚落新住民生活適應,新住民生活的種種現況,因應何種管道解決的生活適應問題的過程,政府提供那些資源協助新住民,所以本研究的目的如下: 一、了解客家聚落新住民的生活適應情形。 二、探討客家聚落新住民生活適應的問題與因應之道。 三、探究新住民生活適應對個人及家庭的影響。 本研究主要採質性研究,以半結構式深度訪談為主要的資料收集方式,研究訪談對象為居住在軟橋地區的新住民。根據文獻探討、資料分析與討論,本研究共獲致以下四個結論: 一、客家聚落新住民生活適應主要涉及家庭適應、工作適應、社會適應三大層面,整體適應情形大致良好,其中以工作適應較為艱難。 二、客家聚落新住民生活適應問題在家庭適應層面主要是子女的養育與教養壓力;在工作適應層面主要是求職管道少及不同等薪資和要求的問題;在社會適應層面則為社會歧視及社會網絡封閉。 三、客家聚落新住民生活適應係透過克服語言與文字障礙、人際關係孤立、家庭經濟狀況不佳夫妻易產生衝突、求職管道少、工作待遇不公平、工作場所受到歧視、飲食生活習慣和氣候適應不良、社交圈狹小等因應之道。 四、客家聚落新住民生活適應後對個人的影響為增進親子溝通和生活適應,以及社會網絡的拓展;對家庭的影響為夫妻和諧和對生活知足感恩。 在本研究的訪談資料,有令人驚訝發現,新住民在家庭之中對長輩的部份,對新住民而言幾乎都具有正面的意義,這和之前的研究有不一樣之處,也顯示國人在接受新住民的部份,有明顯的進步,最後根據研究結論,提出研究建議及反思。


客家聚落 新住民 生活適應


This study focused on the life adjustment of female Hakka immigrants newly arrived to Chudong,in Syinchu County. It included various aspects of immigrants’ life adjustment, including the process of solving problems, and government resources employed in assisting immigrants. So, the outline of the study are as follows: 1. Understand the methods used by Hakka immigrants in adjusting to life. 2. Study the problems encountered by Hakka immigrants, and their solutions. 3. Study the impact of adjustment on the Hakka immigrants’ families, as well as the individuals personally. This study primarily used qualitative mining and in-depth interview methods of data collection. The subjects of the study were newly settled female residents of the Ruanchio District. According to the literature, data analysis and discussion, this study obtained conclusions as follows: 1. The immigrants in Hakka community incudes family adapability,working adapability and social adapability. All adaptabilities’ situations are OK besides working adaptability. 2. The problems of immigrants in Hakka community in family adaptability are the pressures on how to bring up and teach children. 3. The life adaptability of immigrants in Hakka community is about overcoming language and words obstacles, the isolation of relationship between people, the dispute causing bad economy and couple’s conflict, less ways to find jobs, unfair working treatment, the discrimination in working places, eating habits, bad climates and narrow social lives. 4. The life adaptation of the immigrants in Hakka community’s personal situations are affection of parents and children’s communications and life adaptations and the extensions of social internet. For family influence are the harmony between husbands and wives and the satisfication and contentment of life. The information collected in the interviews included some suprising discoveries. In family units and regarding elders, the newly settled women nearly all have some constructive suggestions. This and previous research of different areas, clearly revealed obvious improvement among local people in accepting the new immigrants. Finally, based on the research and discussion, some suggestions are made for further research to be considered.


