  • 學位論文

國民小學教師專業學習社群實施之研究- 以南投縣一所國小為例

The Case Study of the Implementation of Professional Learning Community in One Elementary School of Nantou County

指導教授 : 蔡金田


本研究在探究南投縣一所國民小學教師專業學習社群之實施經驗,以期瞭解個案學校教師推動教師專業學習社群之歷程、參與教師專業學習社群之影響因素及困境,及推動教師專業學習社群之成效和意願。本研究方法採用質性研究法,以南投縣一所國民小學教育人員(校長、主任、組長兼任教師)為研究對象,於2016年1月25日到校作訪談與文件的搜集,之後以三角檢證的方式來加強此論文的信實度。 根據分析結果,本研究的發現結論如下: 壹、個案學校教師推動教師專業學習社群的發展歷程 一、從閱讀教學發現教與學的困境,開始社群的雛形 二、搭配教育部的精進教學計畫和領頭羊的帶領奠定社群模式 三、社群的目標明確,以寫作教育和山野教育為主 貳、個案學校教師參與教師專業學習社群的影響因素 一、對話性:教師和學生力求突破寫作困境,對話凝聚社群共識 二、方便性:文件的取得透過數位化,社群分享輕而易舉 三、經濟性:社群所需的經濟來源多元,使社群無後顧之憂 四、專業性:行政教師的支持和教授的專業指導,讓社群研習極具意 義 五、行政性:厚實的行政團隊支持,讓社群如虎添翼 參、個案學校教師參與教師專業學習社群的困境 一、真正有運作的社群會給教師學習上的壓力 二、資深教師和新進教師的理念需求不同 三、增加班級人數造成學校社群的變動性 四、社群中教師的不同心聲沒有實際反映出來 肆、個案學校教師推動教師專業學習社群的成效 一、學生學習成效佳使得森森國小增加入學就讀人數 二、教師從社群的團體動力養成自信和帶著走的能力 三、行政支援社群,社群活化行政 四、凡事以社群為主體,學校氣氛更為祥和 根據研究結論,提出幾點建議如下: 壹、注入新的元素進入社群,資深和新進教師都能齊頭式進行全新的學習 內涵 貳、深入瞭解各個教師的優弱勢,建立人力資源中心 參、校內研習的規畫可以由新進教師來進行,讓新進教師有歸屬感,減輕 他們趕不上進度的壓力 肆、身為社群的領頭羊,可以積極去深入探知每一位教師的意見,作為社 群改善的方向 伍、社群中的小社群進行良性競爭,替社群增加刺激感 陸、爭執和衝突也是社群可以包容的兩個特點 柒、喚起教師自學動機是社群參與度的正增強


The purpose of this study is to make a research for the implementation of the Professional Learning Community in one elementary school of Nantou county. This research attempts to know the process in implementing the Professional Learning Community and which effect factors influences the school teachers involved in the Professional Learning Community as well as the difficulties, effects and continuous possibility in executing the Professional Learning Community. In this study, it is adopted in qualitative research method and the object of the research are education personnel including of the principal, directors, section chief & teacher in one elementary school of Nantou county. The researcher had visited them and meanwhile, collected the data on January 25, 2016. And then the researcher used triangulation to reinforce the trustworthiness of this research. According to the outcome analysis, the result of the study are shown as the followings: 1. The process in implementing the Professional Learning Community 1.1. The school teachers and the students found the difficulties in teaching reading and learning reading and started to set up the Professional Learning Community. 1.2. The model of the Professional Learning Community cooperated with Refined Teaching Program was established and led by the leader. 1.3. The goal of the Professional Learning Community mainly focused on Writing and Mountain & Field education is definite. 2. The effect factors that influenced school teachers involved in the Professional Learning Community 2.1. Dialogue: The need to overcome the writing problem; common view results from the continuous dialogue 2.2. Convenience: Through digitizing the document, sharing becomes easier. 2.3. Profession:The instruction of professors makes the seminars in the Professional Learning Community more meaningful. 2.4. Financial resource: The multivariant ways to obtain financial resource make the school teachers careless in implementing the Professional Learning Community. 2.5 Administration: Strong administrative team supports the process of the Professional Learning Community. 3. The difficulties in executing the Professional Learning Community 3.1. The school teachers are under pressure in the really practical Professional Learning Community environment. 3.2. The concepts and the needs of the senior and junior teachers toward the Professional Learning Community are totally different. 3.3. The rising numbers of the students cause the mobility of the Professional Learning Community. 3.4. Different inner voice of school teachers can’t be heard. 4. The effects in executing the Professional Learning Community 4.1. The good student learning effect causes the rising numbers of the students. 4.2. The school teachers have more confidence and ability. 4.3. The administration supports the Professional Learning Community while the Professional Learning Community activates the administrative system. 4.4. The atmosphere of the school becomes more harmonic in the practice of the Professional Learning Community. According to the result, some recommendations are shown as follows. 1. The senior teachers and junior teachers can equally process the new learning situation through adding new elements in the Professional Learning Community. 2. Set up the center of human resource in school. 3. The seminars can be planned by the junior teachers to lessen their pressure. 4. The leader in the Professional Learning Community can dig up each teacher’s comment for making the Professional Learning Community better. 5. Small groups in the Professional Learning Community can complete positively to stimulate the condition of the Professional Learning Community. 6. Arguments and conflicts can be zoomed out. 7. Arousing the motivation of the school teachers’ automatic learning can make more school teachers join in the Professional Learning Community.


陳佩英 (2009)。一起學習、一起領導:專業學習社群的建構與實踐。中等教育,60(3),68-88。
