  • 學位論文


Learning Experience of Foreign Spouse Volunteers' Participation in Voluntary Service from the Perspective of Empowerment.

指導教授 : 蔡怡君


本研究的目的主要是從增能賦權的觀點來探究新移民女性參與志願服務的學習經驗。在此研究目的下所延伸出來的問題包含了四項:一、新移民女性出嫁到台灣的生活適應歷程如何?二、新移民女性參與志願服務的動機為何?三、新移民女性參與志願服務的歷程中的學習經驗為何?四、新移民女性參與志願服務的學習經驗所產生的意識覺醒與反思及行動為何? 為達上述的研究目的與問題,研究者採深度訪談的方式並輔以半結構式的訪談大綱來蒐集本研究所需的資料。透過六位志工個案的生命故事描述,以瞭解新移民女性志工出嫁至台灣的生活適應歷程、參與志願服務的動機與學習經驗及其所帶來的成長與改變,再進行研究結果的討論。根據研究結果的討論,歸納出結果如下: 一、新移民女性出嫁到台灣的生活適應歷程是由多重需求逐漸調適而成為生命的強者: (一) 新移民女性剛嫁至台灣的生活適應有多重需求。 (二) 新移民女性在生活調適所產生的無力感多與人際網絡薄弱有關。 (三) 新移民女性生活適應歷程,儼然就是生命的強者。 二、新移民女性參與志願服務的動機與人際網絡的建立有密切關係: (一) 新移民女性參與志願服務的初始動機雖然多重,但是多與延伸人際網絡觸角有關,且關鍵是有時間且家人支持。 (二) 與志工管理單位良好的互動及建立自己的人脈是新移民女性持續參與志願服務的主要因素。 三、新移民女性參與志願服務歷程中的學習經驗多屬正向,與其本身積極的態度有關: (一) 積極的態度是新移民女性在志願服務的的歷程中得到較多正向學習經驗的關鍵。 (二) 參與志願服務的學習經驗對新移民女性來說是多贏的局面。 四、參與志願服務的學習經驗對新移民女性產生成長與改變: (一)新移民女性因為參與志願服務的學習經驗而健全人際網絡,消除無力感。(二)新移民女性參與志願服務的學習經驗,間接促使其意識覺醒與反思。 (三)新移民女性因為參與志願服務的學習經驗,使其付諸行動而達到增能賦權。 最後,基於上述之研究結果,本研究也針對新移民女性志工、新移民志工夫家成員、志工管理單位、以及未來相關研究等方面提出建議。


The purpose of this research was to explore the learning experience of foreign spouse volunteers' participation from the perspective of empowerment. For this purpose, the research aimed to answer four questions: 1. How did the orientation process of foreign spouses get married in Taiwan? 2. What were the motives of the foreign spouse volunteers’ participation? 3. What were the learning experiences in the process of the foreign spouse volunteers’ participation? 4. What were the conscious awareness, reflection and action in the process of the foreign spouse volunteers’ participation brought about? The research employed the in-depth interview approach. Six foreign spouse volunteers were interviewed and their life stories were accounted in order to understand their orientation process in Taiwan, the motivation and learning experience of volunteer participation, and the growth and change that brought about. With regard to four research questions, conclusions were made respectively as follows: 1. The orientation process of the married life in Taiwan of the foreign spouses were adjusted and adapted gradually from multiple demands to normal ones. 1.) The foreign spouses had multiple needs upon the orientation process of the newly married life in Taiwan. 2.) The powerlessness of the orientation in Taiwan of the foreign spouses was relevant to the weak interpersonal networks. 3.) When the foreign spouses adapted to the life in Taiwan, they feel more powerful about their own lives. 2. Foreign spouses’ motivation of participating volunteer service were closely linked to setting-up of the interpersonal network. 1.) Though the motives that foreign spouses participated at the beginning of the voluntary service were multiple, they were mostly related to the extension of the interpersonal network. The more important things were that they had time and had support of their family. 2.) A well-established interpersonal network was the main factor that foreign spouses persistently participated in volunteer service. 3. The learning experiences of the foreign spouses volunteer were mostly positive and optimistic. 1.) The positive attitude of foreign spouse volunteers was the key to have meaningful learning experience. 2.) The learning experiences of the foreign spouses volunteer were very useful in many aspects. 4. Foreign spouses in volunteer service had positive learning experience and great progress with changes. 1.) The empowerment was achieved when the foreign spouses had well-established interpersonal network. 2.) The learning experiences of the foreign spouses volunteer prompted themselves to the state of conscious awaken and self-reflection. Based on the above conclusions, the research proposed some suggestions as to how to foster the foreign spouse volunteers, their families, non-profit organizations. Further research directions were also recommended.




