  • 學位論文


A Re-examination of the Role and Function of the Grass-Root Cadres After the Merger of City and County in Taiwan:A Comparative study of Taichung、Tainan City and Nantou County

指導教授 : 孫同文


2010年五都選舉縣市合併後,對於地方村里長工作職責上是否有所變動,引起多方討論。早在縣市合併之前,便有論者憂心五都的成立將造成地方自治權力不足、草根政治力量遭到削弱等等問題,因此在對縣市合併前後種種行政措施與地方村(里)幹事職能的掌控不同,亦同時進行探討。不僅如此,原鄉鎮市的權利義務、資產負債等轉由直轄市政府概括承受,原鄉鎮市公所改為直轄市政府的派出機關,單就區公所之業務調整而言,亦隱藏著不少問題,值得研究者加以注意。 因此本研究採用多元的問卷分析研究方法(包括文獻分析及問卷調查)以探討村(里)幹事的角色與職能,同時透過統計分析軟體來進行資料的分析及比對差異性,其主要比較的面相有三。一、原台中縣和台中市與台南縣及台南市的互相比較;二、透過合併後台中市與台南市和南投縣(未合併)的比較(城鄉差距);三、面對日後鄉鎮市長改為官派的改造議題,探究村(里)幹事職務制度、角色與職掌的可能轉變,以提出具體政策建議。 三縣市的綜合問卷受訪發現,南投縣的看法有別於改制後的台中市及台南市,村(里)幹事為第一線的公務人員,對於各項業務工作的執行為份內的工作較少會因為首長的更異而有明顯的改變,而改制後的台中市與台南市對於以上的看法有所差異,是否因為區長為轉任或官派認同看法上有所不同而有差異;服務於四個縣市轄下鄉鎮市區的村(里)幹事而言,台南市與台中市對於村(里)幹事工作重疊度的同意度大於台南縣與台中縣,改制前都市地區對於其村(里)幹事工作重疊度大於都市化程度較低的地區。 。研究者綜合所採用的樣本分析研究發現,在已改制的台中市與台南市對許多問題的看法、作法選項上大致是一致的。未改制的南投縣與已改制的台中市、台南市是有顯著的差異性,這中間包含了都市化程度較高與都市化程度較低之間對問題的看法有所不同。


In 2010, after the consolidation of city and county into five metropolitan cities, issue regarding whether there should be changes in the role and function of the Village and/or Neighborhood Head generated many discussion. Some scholars had raised concern about the potential problem that the consolidation might constrain the autonomy of grassroot local governments and weaken their political power. Furthermore, the difference in administrative procedure and the function of grassroot cadres before and after the considation were also discussed. During the consolidation, all the rights and obligations, assests and debts of the original township government have been inherited by the district office of the municipality. These are some of the inherent problems after the consolidation movement which requires careful examination. This thesis attempts to evaluate the changes in the role and function of township grassroot cadres after the consolidation. The research question will be addressed comparatively by focusing on two aspects: (1) the comparison between the former Taichung County and Taichng City, as well as between the former Tainan County and Tainan City; (2) the comparison between the consolidated metropolitan Taichung City and Tainan City and Nantou County. Multiple research methods will be utilized to answer these two questions empirically. The results of the comparative syudy can be the basis for policy recommendations as how to improve the governance in the metropolitan city in Taiwan, especially for the district office. Data is collected through survey questionnaire mailed to all grassroot cadres in the three metropolitan cities. Research findings reveal that there are significant difference between the respondents from the rural area (Nantou County) and the city (Taichung and Tainan).


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陸美祈(2013)。縣市合併對都市發展邊緣化之影響研究 —以臺南市曾文溪以北地區為例〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2013.00183
