  • 學位論文


Parking Preferences of Tourists in Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area, Taiwan

指導教授 : 周榮昌


日月潭是臺灣最負盛名、國內外名聞遐邇之觀光旅遊勝地,一年四季遊客絡繹不絕。囿於日月潭四面環山,發展腹地有限,單線道的環湖道路及有限的停車空間,使得日月潭假日尖峰時間經常造成交通壅塞情形。為改善日月潭交通問題,首先應瞭解遊客的交通選擇偏好,才能據以制定有效的轉運或停車等交通政策。 本研究著重於日月潭遊客之停車選擇行為之研究,採用敘述性偏好實驗,以多項羅吉特模式(Multinomial Logit Model, MNL)、混合羅吉特模式(Mixed Logit Model, ML)、縱橫截面資料混合羅吉特模式(Panel Data Mixed Logit model, PDML)進行資料之校估,進而建立日月潭遊客停車選擇之模式,藉此瞭解停車費率、交通時間、活力時間、風景資源及轉乘運具等因素對遊客停車選擇所造成的影響。與一般都會區研究結果較不同的是,相較於停車費率,遊客至觀光旅遊地區的停車決策更重視交通時間因素,包括停車位搜尋時間及交通壅塞情況等。因此,雖然透過訂價策略可抑制風景區內的停車需求,但其實更需要搭配其他停車管理機制,例如新建合適的外圍轉運停車場、提供便捷的轉運接駁服務,以及建立即時交通資訊共享平台等措施,以疏緩景區內已過於壅塞的交通。另一方面,環潭區內可透過改善停車場至旅遊據點之間的環境景觀整理、增加沿線旅遊樂趣、導入多元轉乘運具,以及提供交通即時資訊給遊客等方式,來提升環潭區內停車空間的使用效率。


Sun Moon Lake is a famous tourist attraction in Taiwan and abroad. However, as Sun Moon Lake is surrounded by mountains and has limited land to develop, traffic congestion around the lake area is commonplace during peak holiday hours. This study focused on the parking choices of visitors to Sun Moon Lake and adopted the stated preference method with multiple scenarios for data collection, and applied the Multinomial Logit Model (MNL), Mixed Logit Model (ML), and Panel Data Mixed Logit model (PDML) for data validation, in order to build the model of parking choices of visitors to Sun Moon Lake. This model was used to understand how parking price, travel time, active time, scenery, and transfers between public transport affected visitors' parking choices. Unlike the findings of studies on metropolitan areas, which found that parking price was the deciding factor, visitors' parking decisions in the tourist area were more concerned with time factors, such as the time to search for places to park and traffic congestion. Therefore, although raising parking prices can suppress the parking demand in the scenic area, other parking management mechanisms work better, such as the construction of new and suitable outer parking lots with transfer buses to relieve the heavily congested traffic in the scenic area. On the other hand, the tendency of using the parking space in the area can be improved by beautifying the landscaping between the parking lots and the tourist spots, enhancing the pleasure of traveling along the routes, introducing multiple transfer means, and providing real-time traffic information to tourists.


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