  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 趙惠玲


摘 要 高職廣設科「廣告創意思考教學」之行動研究-以鶯歌高職為例 本研究採用行動研究的方式探討「廣告創意思考教學」之相關理論,並發展適用於高職廣設科二年級「廣告創意思考教學」的課程模式。課程內容部份,由研究者參考相關文獻與所收集的廣告實例加以修訂編制,並應用創意思考教學方法設計出適合之課程內容。在經歷了從課程規劃、設計以至於實施,共完成了三個單元的教學行動研究之後,綜合各項研究結果,歸納出本研究的主要結論: 一、高職廣設科「廣告創意思考教學」課程之發展編撰結果方面 課程施行後,研究者發覺此課程確實讓學生在創意思考上有更多的選擇性,並且藉由許多廣告範例的賞析,學生能夠吸收不同向度與方法的思考,而不會使創意思考受限。 二、高職廣設科「廣告創意思考教學」課程之實施成效方面 課程施行中,學生普遍有著高度的學習興趣,原因是這樣的課程設計,讓他們的創意思考方面有更多元的拓展空間。課程之廣告範例賞析教學與各單元教學活動設計,確實能夠對於學生在廣告作品創作發想上產生助益。此外從學生各單元的廣告作品創作分析上,也可看出此課程對學生創意發想上的積極影響,即「創意力的激發」、「敏銳度的涵養」與「發展出設計廣告創意作品的表現方法」。 三、高職廣設科「廣告創意思考教學」課程發展上與因應的情形方面 (一)本課程是屬於連續性同類型的廣告創意思考教學,有時會容易引起教、學雙方的疲乏感,為了彌補這樣的缺失,設計各單元的教案時,研究者嘗試多增加教學組織元素的變化性,使教學內容多些新意。 (二)課程施行時,由於時間因素,未能同時進行廣告文案、編排技巧與電腦繪圖的教學,造成這樣的情形,除了學生原本在這些方面之先備能力的限制外,研究者過去未曾多吸收這方面的教學經驗與學校科上教師間未多做協同教學研究應是主要的原因。 (三)課程施行時,由於時間因素與電腦硬體故障問題,最後單元未能進行每一位學生發表說明個人創作的教學活動,以增進學生的提案與彼此認知成長的能力。另外廣告創意思考課程重視創造性,廣告作品的創作其實可以透過各小組努力合作以發揮創意來協同完成,上述這些都是研究者未來需要注意的地方。 四、筆者於「廣告創意思考教學」課程行動研究中的成長與轉變方面 (一)經由實際進行的研究歷程,研究者逐漸理解行動研究的原則與執行方式。 (二)經由課程發展,對於實際教學中的各項工作掌握度更為提高,也強化了教學的知能。 (三)「師生間的相互了解」與「教師的鼓勵」,將使課程進行地更順遂愉悅,對學生的各項學習更可提升效果與興趣,進而教師也可從中獲得正向回饋與成長。 關鍵詞:創意、廣告、行動研究。


創意 廣告 行動研究


Abstract This study investigated the theory, "teaching of creative thinking in advertising", and developed a curricular model that can be applied to the second grade of advertisement design department in vocational high school by using the method of action research. In order to devise a proper content of the curriculum, the investigator referred to the relevant literatures, collected numbers of various advertising and used the teaching method of creative thinking. The investigator accomplished three units of investigation of action research, gathered the comprehensive results of studies, summed up the main findings of this study as follows: 1.The result of the curriculum using "teaching of creative thinking in advertising" The investigator found that such courses can make more choices for students. By watching and analysing numbers of various advertising, the students are able to think in different ways to avoid restriction in their creativity. 2. The effect of the curriculum using "teaching of creative thinking in advertising" During class, students generally have a high degree of interest in learning, the reasons for this is the curriculum design that helps for developing ideas in creative thinking. Furthermore, from the student's analysing works of creativity of advertising in the various units of courses, the investigator can find the active impact on students in their creativity, "creative excitation", "sensitive equipment" and "developing ways to produce creative works of advertising". 3.The developments and problem-solving of the curriculum using "teaching of creative thinking in advertising" 3.1 The "teaching of creative thinking in advertising" is a kind of serial and similar course. The investigator found that sometimes lead teacher and students to feel fatigued. In order to make up for such shortcoming, the investigator tried to increase the variety of the curricular elements and the innovative teaching content. Furthermore, the atmosphere of teaching activities will also be affected due to professional audio-visual classroom environment with the arrangements set improperly. 3.2 By reason of the insufficient time, the teacher cannot teach the advertising copy, layout skills and computer graphics at the same time. Furthermore, to the lack of above skills, investigator has not absorbed plenty teaching experience in these fields and teachers in the same department did not have synergy between teaching and research that should be the main reason. 3.3 Due to the insufficient time and computer hardware failure, the teacher cannot arrange the time for students to express the idea of the works individually that could enhance the students' ability of proposal and cognition. Furthermore, creative thinking emphasizes the creativity; the advertising works can be done well through the cooperation between groups. The investigator will concentrate the attention on the matters above. 4.What the investigator gets and changes from the curriculum using "teaching of creative thinking in advertising" 4.1 The investigator can understand the principles and implementation modalities of action research gradually by the course of the study. 4.2 Through the development of curriculum, that can improve not only management of the educational affairs, but also the skills of the teaching. 4.3 "The mutual understanding between teachers and students" and "the encouragement from teacher" that will allow the course more successful and pleasant, the students can have an efficient and interesting learning, furthermore, the teachers may get positive feedback and growth.




孫志誠(2003)。創造力評量的內涵與方法初探。Researches of Special TopicsJan,


