  • 學位論文


Experimental Study on Results from Parent-child Co-learning Strategy in CPR Training Program to Junior High School Students in Tainan County

指導教授 : 胡益進


本研究目的在探討接受「親子共學心肺復甦術課程」介入後,研究對象對CPR知識、CPR操作技能、健康信念認知、急救行為意向之改善情形,及影響急救行為意向之相關因素。本研究採準實驗設計法,於台南市某國中二年級學生,立意取樣,徵得自願參與課程之學生,共121位,其中與父母一同學習者,為實驗組32位,其他無父母陪同學習者,為對照組89位。研究工具包括知識問卷、健康信念認知、急救行為意向量表,與技術考核表。所取得之資料以描述性統計、卡方檢定、配對t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、皮爾森積差相關及史皮爾曼等級相關等方法進行統計分析。研究結果如下: 1.在課程介入後不論是實驗組或對照組在教育介入後,知識和技術上有顯著進步。 2.健康信念認知部分,兩組後測成績無太大改變差異。 3.急救行為意向部分,實驗組之學生,在未來為他人施救的行為可能性較高。 4.有效性認知及障礙性認知與急救行為意向有高度相關。 5.在課程活動評價方面,研究對象與家長大多表示非常充實、有意義。 整體而言,親子共學心肺復甦術課程,能有效提高學習成效。希望藉由本研究結果作為急救課程改善依據,建議未來能多舉辦相關活動,並在課程上應多練習施救勇氣態度的訓練與培養,以減少為他人施救的心理障礙。


The purpose of the subject is to discuss the effect of the parent-child co-learning strategy in CPR training program to eighth graders students’ knowledge, skills, health-belief attitude and expectation toward first aid behavior. This study is also to probe the factors to expectation toward first aid behavior. The study involves a quasi-experimentation conducted on two different groups, who are composed of 121 eighth graders students from Anan Junior High School in Tainan County. The 32 parent- child co-learning volunteers from this pool were assigned to the experimental group. The other 89 students to be volunteers were assigned to the control group. The instruments included knowledge test, attitude questionnaire and skill testing list. Attitude questionnaire and skill testing list were developed by the researchers based on literatures review. The reliability and validity were taken. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, paired-t test, t test, Pearson correlation and Spearman correlation analysis. According to above researches, the main findings of this study are as follows: 1. After the same CPR training program, two groups have batter post-test scores on knowledge and skills than before. 2. After the parent-child co-learning stratege in CPR traning program, the post-test scores were shown no significantly on health-belief attitude. 3. After the parent-child co-learning stratege in CPR training program, the experimental group had batter post-test scores were shown significantly on expectation toward first aid behavior. 4. After the same CPR training program getting involved, “perceived benefits” and “perceived barriers” were the influence factors of expectation toward first aid behavior. 5. Most students and parents expressed that they tike the parent-child co-learning stratege in CPR traning program, and though this program is beneficial to them in general. They also felt that the overall content is important. In conclusion, the parent-child co-learning stratege in CPR traning program is an effective educational stratege to be applied to the junior high school students who are learning how to respond to CPR information. Based on the findings, the researcher suggested the junior high schools should cooperate with community association group to take more CPR training programs and first-aid activities for saving life and reducing the accident mortality.


胡勝川(2001)。心肺復甦術的演變。慈濟醫學,13(3),143-149 。


