  • 學位論文


The Necessities of Environmental Education of Island Sustainable Tourism - A Case Study of Lieyu Island

指導教授 : 蔡慧敏


「島嶼永續旅遊」即為遵循永續發展原則的島嶼旅遊活動,亦即在島嶼環境中進行旅遊活動時應遵循永續發展原則,並經由環境教育提昇遊憩品質,減輕旅遊活動對島嶼環境之衝擊。本研究以在地觀點出發,旨在探討烈嶼可供發展之旅遊環境資源,同時藉由各旅遊型態的環境特性,探討系統性且多元化的環境教育可能,並藉此探討環境教育的需求面向。 本研究以烈嶼(小金門)為研究場域,透過問卷調查,以立意取樣方式選取烈嶼的學校教師與行政人員、鄉公所與國家公園員工、旅遊相關產業、地方產業經營生產者以及其他在地居民,共計發放300份,扣除遺失、未填與填答錯誤等無效問卷,有效問卷為219份,填答率為73 %。研究者根據問卷結果、田野調查、訪談資料與參與觀察獲得以下結論: (1)烈嶼的重要旅遊環境資源沿環島車轍道環狀分佈。 (2)不同類型旅遊場域的環境教育活動需求差異性高。 (3)烈嶼居民「參與」和「帶領或策劃」環境教育的經驗較少,但參與意願很高。 (4)烈嶼環境教育活動類型的偏好與需求,以親近與觀察環境為主,次以解說教學、體驗與實際參與。 最後依據研究結論,對於烈嶼旅遊資源與環境教育發展提出建議,包括: (1) 金門國家公園與烈嶼鄉公所應成為合作伙伴關係。 (2) 利用環島車轍道連結各類型旅遊環境資源。 (3) 公、私部門以及學校、社區共同推廣環境教育。 (4) 成為環境學習中心的基地。 後續研究建議如下: (1) 未來可針對遊客進行永續旅遊與環境教育需求作探討。 (2) 加強烈嶼傳統文化習俗與農村產業活動研究。 (3) 後續環境教育活動規劃與設計之研究。


Island Sustainable Tourism refers to island touring activities which are based on principles of sustainable development; that is, when doing touring activities in island environment, we should follow the principles of sustainable development, enhance the quality of tourism through environmental education, and also decrease the impact on the island environment in touring activities. This thesis, from a local view, aims to research touring environmental resources which can be developed in Lieyu, and at the same time, by making use of various environmental characteristics of different touring types, investigate the possibilities of systematic and diverse environmental educational activities so as to discuss the necessity of environmental education in this area. This study researches Lieyu (or Little Kinmen, also Little Quemoy) through the questionnaire procedure, with the purpose of choosing from the following respondents living in Lieyu: school teachers, school administration staff, Township Office staff, National Park staff, people in tourism-related business, people working in local business, and other residents. The grand total provides 300 questionnaire, recycling 219 effective questionnaire, with the rate of recycling effective questionnaire 73%, deducting invalid questionnaire, such as missing, unresponsive, and wrongly-responded. Based on the result of the questionnaire, field investigation, the collected data from the interview, and the observation of the participation, the researcher has got the following conclusions: (1) Lieyu’s important touring environmental resources are in circular distrubution around the tank road. (2) Necessities of environmental educational activities are different in different types of touring attractions. (3) Lieyu’s residents have less experiences in both “participating” and “leading or planning” in environmental education, while they are higher interested in participating. (4) The major preference and necessity of Lieyu’s types of environmental educational activities are being close to and observing the environment, and the minor ones are guided narration, experience, and actual participation. Finally, according to the conclusion of the research, some suggestions are made about Lieyu’s resources of tourism and its development of environmental education as follows: (1) Kinmen National Park and Lieyu Township Office should cooperate as partners. (2) The tank road is suggested to be used to link to various types of touring environmental resources. (3) Public and private sectors, schools, and communities ought to cooperate to popularize environmental education. (4) Becoming the base of educational learning center is suggested. Possible topics for incoming researches could be as follows: (1) A research focusing on the tourists’ need of sustainable tourism and environmental education. (2) A careful research on Lieyu’s traditional customs and it’s rural villages’ agricultural activities. (3) A further research on planning and designing environmental educational activities.


李素馨(1996)。觀光新紀元 永續發展的選擇,《戶外遊憩研究》,第九卷第四期。


