  • 學位論文


The Study of Outdoor Leisure Space Development in Taichung Rural Area

指導教授 : 蔡文彩


台中鄉村地區戶外休閒空間發展之研究 摘要 在鄉村地區,傳統的農業面臨前所未有的挑戰,居民的休閒需求亦隨著時空的快速變動而產生變化,加上都市遊憩空間未能滿足居民的需求,都市產生推力,鄉村空間產生拉力,都市推,鄉村拉,造成大量都市居民湧向郊外去尋找適合他們休閒的活動空間。這些空間需求與空間取向的變化所產生的休閒發展在空間上位移現象和休閒空間位移所衍生的問題,需吾人將鄉村地區戶外休閒空間發展做系統性的研究,才能掌握變動脈絡,而對變動不已的時空採取更妥善的因應。 本研究的四項假設,經過居民、遊客及景點經營者問卷統計及野外實察、訪談得到四個假設皆能成立: 一、個人戶外休閒行為的產生從心動到行動的歷程會遇到中間障礙所帶來的波折,中間障礙因人因時因地而有不同,相同的是它對休閒行為的產生都有制約作用,所以需要找對策來解決。 二、遊客與景點的互動是需求面與供給面原理,若需求獲得相當滿足,則在兩者互動下,休閒活動的發展走向興旺,反之若越不滿足則互動會朝衰退的方向變化。 三、休閒空間發展的時空變遷脈絡有不斷位移的現象。本研究顯示台中鄉村地區休閒景點自日治時期以來呈現向盆地周邊的東北、東、西北等方向擴張的趨勢,其大幅成長出現在1996年以後的13年來,政府重要決策所伴隨而來的重大建設可以大大的左右休閒景點在地理空間的分布,政策影響建設,建設帶動空間發展。 四、休閒空間發展會衍生出問題,有問題就需要有對策來解決,本研究從善用環境資源發展潛力為導向,針對所發現的問題研擬出具體可行的解決對策。


The Study of Outdoor Leisure Space Development in Taichung Rural Area Abstract Traditional agriculture industry has faced a severe challenge. Leisure need in Taichung area has faced a significant change as time-space relation changes. Urban has played the important role of push, while rural area acts as the role of pull when people rush for outdoor leisure space. The need for leisure space and the variation of space orientation have shown a significant shift in term of leisure center point from time to time. Consequently, we have to take a systematic study in order to understand the meaning of the shifts and to take the necessary moves to cope with the changing situation. This study has set up four hypothesises. During this study, I have made field trips, interviews and series of questionnaires which cover residents, tourists and owners of leisure space. I have found that the four hypothesises proved to be true as follows: 1. The outcome of leisure behavior during decision making processes from stimulus received toward actions taken will face constrains from middle hindrances. Middle hindrances pose on leisure choice varied person by person, from time to time and place by place. But leisure behavor is all constrained by middle hindrances. Effects are different from person to person and different by time and by space. 2. The dynamics of interactions between tourists and space base on the theory of demand and supply. If the demand can be satisfied at certain extent, then the interaction will head towrd prosparity. Otherwise, it will head toward the end of decaying. 3. Leisure development in space has a constant shift on earth surface. This study has revealed that leisure space development in rural Taichung has expanded toward the northeast, the east, and the northwest edge of Taichung basin since Japanese occupation era. While significant development occurs during the past 13 years since 1996. Also, government policies and actions can significantly shape the spatial distribution of leisure space. Policy brings constructions to the space, while the constructions cause the development of the leisure space. 4. The development of leisure space will eventually generate problems. As the problems occur, there are always ways to solve them. This study has generated some concrete and workable policies oriented on the best capacity development for environmental resources.


Behavior, Dubuque, IA:Wm. C. Brown Publishing.
3、Cross, G. (1990) , A Social History of Leisure since
