  • 學位論文


The Hermeneutical research of career serendipitous events and the phenomenon of cynchronicity.

指導教授 : 金樹人


本研究主要探討在生涯發展歷程中,研究參與者所經歷的偶發事件及同時性現象的經驗,並進一步瞭解偶發事件和同時性現象對研究參與者生涯發展的影響與生命態度的建構。本研究採取詮釋研究的方法,邀請六位研究參與者分別接受二~三次,各約四.五~八.五小時的正式研究訪談,再進行資料分析,共獲得五十四項偶發事件的經驗,並獲致以下研究發現:一、提出對於偶發事件意義的總體詮釋分析。二、提出對於同時性現象經驗的總體詮釋分析。三、對於偶發事件的本質特性發現包括:1.個人的聯結等共十四種類型的偶發事件。2.正向的與負向的偶發事件同時帶來混雜著正向的與負向的生涯發展影響結果。3.研究參與者對偶發事件的詮釋共有九種類別,包括:生涯不可預測、宇宙力量決定、特定發生前提、機會資源本質、多重意義作用、努力準備承受、學習堅持彈性、絕處逢生深意、長度寬度詮釋等。4.偶發事件的影響結果在改變工作生涯路徑、深化實務工作經驗、改變教育學習的發展、刺激發想未來的生涯安排、增進自我知 識、學習自我調適與轉化、探究人生終極的目標、生涯阻礙等八個層面;以及直接單獨、積累能量、得失難定、相輔相成、加乘作用、連續作用、擴散多方、回頭詮釋等八種影響歷程。5.研究參與者表現出獨特的懷抱未來理想、謙卑自持態度、心無所求態度、終生學習精進、發展工作模式、正向內言鼓舞等回應特徵。最後,針對研究結果進行討論,並提出建議。


The purpose of this research aimed to investigate serendipitous events and the phenomenon of synchronicity experienced by participants during their career lives, and further inquired into how these experiences altered the construction of their attitudes towards life. Adopting hermeneutical analysis approach, 6 participants received 2 to 3 interviews respectively, which averagely amount to 4.5 to 8.5 hours. 54 serendipitous events were identified from the obtained material, and further analysis yielded in the following findings: A. The total hermeneutical analysis of serendipitous events. B. The total hermeneutical analysis of phenomenon of synchronicity. C. Traits of serendipitous events includes: 1. Types of serendipitous events can be categorized to 14types. 2. Both positive and negative serendipitous events induce positive and negative results in career development. 3.Participants' interpreted serendipitous events in 9 different manners: the unpredictability of career development, the arrangements of higher power, occurrences of specific presuppositions, possibilities and opportunities, effects of multiple meanings, readily acceptance of what comes forth, learning of persisting in flexibility, insights awakened by the predicament, and explanations of length and width. 4. The influences brought about by serendipitous events include shifting the path of career development, enhancing depth of one's practices, guiding directions for education, triggering pursuits for future career paths, enhancing one's knowledge, learning to adjust and change, probing the ultimate meaning of life, and impeding career development. In addition, 8 types of changing processes iii were also found to be confronting, agglomeration of power , ambivalence towards gains and losses, complementation, addictive effect, continuous effect, pervasion, and re-interpretation. 5. Characteristics of participants' responses can be described as feeling prospective towards one's own ambition, holding a more humble attitude, demanding nothing in return, motivation of life-long learning, developing working models, positive self-talks.  Finally, results found in the study were discussed and suggestions were proposed.


Serendipitous events Cynchronicity.


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