  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study of How Couples Make the Decision to Seek Professional Help Together

指導教授 : 鄔佩麗


本研究旨在於瞭解伴侶共同尋求專業協助前的經驗,探討伴侶在何種處境與經驗中會形成共同尋求專業之決定與行動。 本研究乃融合現象學與詮釋學等方法論進行質性研究,以半結構式訪談大綱與三對研究參與者分別進行伴侶共同訪談的過程,共獲得六份文本資料,除了依時間序與求助歷程概念,對三組伴侶共同尋求專業前的經驗進行脈絡分析外,並以主題分析法分別探索男、女性尋求專業前的共同處境與因應經驗,而獲得以下四個主題: 一、「他感傷無力之際,仍企及圓滿」:本研究男性受訪者在內在需求未獲滿足的處境中較不傾向直接向伴侶表達其受傷的深層感受,會透過個人的三種方式來面對關係困境;雖處於無奈、挫折與低潮之狀態,仍勇於面對問題、以彈性態度萌生解決的意願與行動,祈使問題獲致處理。 二、「他覺察問題萌需求,亦多方因應尋契機」:本研究男性受訪者在尋求助人專業前,會經由一般性之社會資源、自我內在資源與正向伴侶間因應等方式來面對關係困境,當問題仍無法解決,則會決定尋求專業協助。 三、「她於失落困陷之境,仍潛藏期待」:本研究女性受訪者在接納、認可、關心、親密、重視與專屬等心理需求未獲回應的不滿與失落之中,顯現出與伴侶間的負向互動循環;雖然需求未獲回應,但由於這些需求並未消失,其內心深處仍盼望這些需求能獲得伴侶的回應。 四、「她發抒之餘仍眷繫彼此,盼再現連結」:本研究女性受訪者在關係困境中藉由個人網絡抒發情緒、得到支持或發現調適之道;在自我照顧之外,由於仍期盼與伴侶能恢復原先的連結,於是展現出兩種伴侶間的因應方式,一種是向對方提議求助或表達期待,一種則是當對方釋出善意時,給予正面的回應。 本研究以求助歷程之概念對伴侶尋求助人專業前的經驗加以探討:(1)困擾的覺察來自個別差異、覺知差距、表達回應落差與需求未見;(2)自伴侶尋求專業前的經驗發現,兩性因應方式有差異,而伴侶在關係困境中仍持續互動為其關係設下停損點;(3)求助決定的形成會受到社會支持、資源易取、問題性質、抱有期待、資源經驗、問題觀感與三種互動模式等驅使因子,以及問題觀感與資源觀感等延宕因子影響;(4)提議求助的一方可能受到性別角色傾向、原生家庭經驗與使用資源經驗影響;(5)三對伴侶分別在資源易取/平衡互動、和諧之情/配對互動,以及正向投入等關鍵點下形成求助決定;(6)「忍讓以求和諧」的氛圍常見於本研究伴侶的互動之中。 最後,研究者回顧自身經驗與研究發現進行對話,從中產生伴侶相關議題之啟發,並對伴侶、相關單位及專業工作者與未來相關研究提出建議。


This study intends to explore the process about how couples seek professional help and the differences of how males and females feel and react when they have couple-related issues. The approach for this research is based on the methodology of phenomenology and hermeneutics. The researcher obtained six transcripts from several semi-structural interviews with three participant couples. In this study, Thematic Analysis is adopted to explore the common emotions, attitudes, and responses of the different genders before seeking professional help. The results are as follows: 1.“Although feeling hurt and lacking strength, male participants nevertheless pursue solutions.”: Male participants have less tendency to express their authentic feelings directly when their inner needs aren’t satisfied. Instead, they deal with relationship dilemmas in their personal ways. However, even in hard times, they courageously confront difficulties and are willing to solve problems. 2.“After being aware of the need to solve problems, male participants seek opportunities to cope with problems in their own ways before turning to professional assistance.”: Before turning to professional help, male participants tend to confront difficulties with informal resources, inner self resources, and positive actions toward their spouses/partners. Afterwards, they seek professional help for the problems remain. 3.“Although feeling disappointed, female participants expect adequate responses from their spouses/partners.”: A negative interactive circle emerges when female participants feel discontent with their unsatisfied psychological needs of being accepted, identified, considered, understood, and respected. However, they still look forward to adequate responses from their spouses/partners in extreme disappointment. 4.“Still attached to their spouses/partner, female participants expect to recover the spiritual connection after their emotions are given vent to a third object.”: Female participants vent, get support, and find ways to adjust themselves through social networking to their relationship difficulties. However, two responsive ways are further revealed because they still expect to restore the relationship. One is to propose seeking professional help or to express their expectations; the other is responding positively to their spouses/partners as they perceive goodwill from their spouses/partners. In addition, the researcher also analyzed the three cases by time sequence to present the help-seeking process that includes three stages: recognition, decision and action. The researcher then proposed the following discussions: 1.The awareness of couple-related problems comes from individual differences, perception gap, communication difficulties, and unmet needs. 2.Although the responsive ways of different genders before seeking professional help are divergent, male and femal participants may continue to interact in order to prevent the problems from getting worse. 3.The formation of the decision to seek professional help is stimulated by factors such as social supports, resource accessibility, nature of problems, expectations of professional help to improve their relationship, positive experiences of resource usage, attitudes towards the problem, and three interactive modes. On the other hand, it is delayed by factors such as a passive attitude toward problems and doubtfulness about the effects of professional help. 4.The decision to propose seeking professional help may be affected by factors such as “gender role orientation”, family of origin, or positive experiences of resource usage. 5.In this study, the key factors that prompt the three couples to decide to seek professional help in order are: 1) resource accessibility and balanced interaction, 2) affection of harmony and complementary interaction, and 3) positive involvement in relationship. 6.The atmosphere of “tolerance for harmony” is frequently observed in the interaction of the three couples. Finally, the researcher engaged in introspection of couple-related issues through reviewing similar personal experiences, and proposed further academic and practical suggestions for couples, relevent authorities, professionals, and future studies.


