  • 學位論文


The study of team-management and its usage in elementary and junior high schools

指導教授 : 謝文全 博士


摘 要 本研究之主要目的,在於探討團隊管理基本概念與運作,進以了解國民中小學運用團隊管理的情形與障礙,最後根據研究結論,提出改進國民中小學實施或改善團隊管理之建議。 為達上述目的,本研究採用文獻分析與問卷調查的方法。首先進行文獻分析,以瞭解團隊管理的意涵與相關理論,並探討團隊管理的功能、原則、實施步驟,及團隊管理在學校的運用。其次根據文獻探討內容,編製「國民中小學團隊管理研究調查問卷」,進行調查研究,藉以瞭解團隊管理基本概念、學校實施團隊管理情況(委員會、處室、會議方面)及學校實施團隊管理的成效性及可行性。 本研究調查對象分成三類,一為學校人員;二為主管教育行政機關成員;三為專家學者。一共發出1084份問卷,實得有效問卷680份;問卷資料處理則採用SPSS for Windows統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。 根據文獻分析與問卷調查發現,得到以下結論: 一、 團隊應具備一些基本條件,才能運作良好。然目前學校各種團隊並未充分具備這些條件;其中以「成員經常 進修」、「成員輪流擔任領導者」及「成員士氣高昂」等條件最差。 二、 學校實施團隊管理可發揮多重正面功能;然目前學校在發揮團隊管理正面功能上,成效普遍不彰。 三、 學校實施團隊管理若運行不當則易生問題。目前學校最常面臨的問題是「決策時間冗長導致成本增加」及「 導致學校組織內部的衝突」。 四、 學校運用團隊管理需遵循一些基本原則,方能有效。然目前學校並未充分做到這些原則,其中以「增強成員 專業知能」、「建立領導者正確心態」方面表現最差。 五、 學校實施團隊管理時應循序進行,方能成功。但目前學校在團隊管理實施步驟表現不佳,尤以「教育訓練專 業成長」、「成果評估考核成效」及「給予成員適當回饋並協助改進」兩步驟及回饋機制的表現最差。 六、 學校應依團隊性質不同而有不同存續時間。目前學校委員會及會議偏向依性質再決定是常設性或暫時性團隊 ,而處室則以常設性團隊為宜。 七、 目前學校各種團隊對學校決策的影響力大;其中以「處室」居冠,「會議」及「委員會」次之。 八、 目前學校運用團隊管理卓有成效的事務不多;其中教務方面以「教科書選用」,訓導方面以「導護工作」, 人事方面以「教師任用」成效較好,至於公關和總務方面則有待努力。 九、 目前學校團隊運作成效仍不盡理想。然其中運作成效較好的團隊為:委員會中的「教評會」,處室中的「教 務處」、「訓導處」,會議中的「校務會議」。 十、 對學校組織而言,團隊管理是可行且必需的創新管理方式。 十一、不同背景變項填答者對學校團隊管理的意見大同小異。 另根據文獻探討內容、本調查研究結果及研究者意見,提出落實、改善團隊管理的建議: 一、 主管教育行政機關與學校應重視團隊管理理念及運作現況之宣導,以利團隊管理的推動。 二、 學校應落實團隊管理的原則及步驟,以充分發揮團隊管理應有的功效。 三、 學校實施團隊管理應先克服「決策時間冗長導致成本增加」、「導致學校組織內部衝突」的問題。 四、 學校實施團隊管理應以提升成員工作績效為最終目標。 五、 校長應拋棄科層體制下一人獨大的觀念,扮演好聯結者及資源提供者角色,以利於團隊管理的落實。 六、 教師應扮演教學者和學校共同經營者角色,積極加入學校團隊管理的行列。 七、 應提高教師參與校務動機,以利團隊管理的落實。 八、 進修內容應加強法令及管理新知的講授,以減少推動團隊管理時的阻力,提升學校團隊管理成效。 九、 教育行政主管機關及學校組織應採取積極的配合措施,以助於團隊管理的落實。 十、 學校應積極推動團隊管理,對於表現較差的團隊或工作事務應加強輔導。


團隊 團隊管理


Abstract The main purpose of this paper is to study general ideas and practices of team-management, and research conditions and obstacles. Finally, the findings obtained form this study shall serve as references for further studies and suggestions for improving team-management in elementary and junior high schools. In order to achieve the above-stated purpose, this paper adopted literature analysis and questionnaire investigation methods. First, the researcher used literature analysis to probe into the meanings, related theories, functions, principles, steps of team-management, and its usage in schools. Second, according to the context of literature analysis, the researcher arranged an investigation questionnaire-"the study of team-management in elementary and junior high schools ". An investigation that based on this questionnaire collected and examined the opinions of team-management in schools. The subjects of this study, with sample size of 1084 subjects and the effective number of 680 samplers, are randomly selected from school staffs, administrative office staffs, and experts. Data of this study is analyzed by means of SPSS. The results of literature analysis and survey have produced the following conclusions: 1. There are some basic conditions of team-management, but some teams in schools do not have these conditions, including "staffs pursue advanced study ", "staffs become leaders in turn", "the spirit of staffs are high". 2. It can develop a lot of positive functions to practice team-management, but the achievement of team-management is not good in schools. 3. The most common problems that faced by schools during implementing team-management inappropriately include "the decision time too long to decrease cost" and "the internal conflicts of the schools". 4. There are several fundamental principles to apply team-management; but schools presently still leave much to be demanded, including "increasing staffs' professional knowledge" and "building leaders' correct attitude". 5. It must be step by step to practice team-management. Some steps are not practiced well in schools, especially "professional education training", "evaluating achievements", "giving feedback and assistance". 6. According to different mission, teams should have different duration time. School councils and meetings should be permanent or temporary according to their nature. School offices are better to be permanent teams. 7. Each team has great influence on school decision-making, especially school offices. 8. There are few effective affairs using team-management in schools. Like choosing books in Office of Academica Affairs, employment of teachers in Office of Student Affairs, and so on. 9. The effects of practicing team-management don't work in practice. But some teams work better, including the Office of Academica Affairs , teaching, the Office of Student Affairs, the Teacher Council, and the School Meeting. 10. For school organization, team-management is a feasible and need creative management style. 11. The staffs with different backdrop variable have different opinions toward the application of team-management. In order to develop the performance of team-management, suggestions for the application of the team-management to elementary and junior high schools are as follows: 1. The educational authorities and schools should publicize the ideas and conditions of team-management. 2. Schools should accomplish the principals and steps of team-management. 3. Before practicing team-management, schools should break some bars, including "the decision time too long too decrease cost" and "the internal conflicts of the schools". 4. The final goal of team-management is to promote working performance of staffs. 5. Principals should give up autarchy, and act good roles who are good linkers and resource providers. 6. Teachers should act teaching and managing role. Additionally, they must engage school management with warm heart. 7. Schools should promote staffs' motives to participate in school affairs. 8. Staffs' learning should include laws and new management knowledge. 9. The educational authorities should take some tactics. 10. Schools should practice team-management positively, and give some guidances and assistances if it is necessary.


team team-management


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