  • 學位論文


A study of development and relationships among life stress, social support and ego-strength for self-injured adolescents.

指導教授 : 陳李綢老師


本研究旨在探討自傷青少年的生活壓力、社會支持與自我強度的發展及其關係。因此,本研究目的有三:1.探討有、無自傷行為之青少年在生活壓力、社會支持與自我強度三方面的差異情形。2.探討生活壓力、社會支持與自我強度三者關係及對青少年自我傷害行為的預測作用。3、深入訪談青少年自傷的內在歷程及主觀經驗。 本研究以401名分佈台北、桃園、基隆地區國中學生為對象,使用「生活壓力量表」、「社會支持量表」、「自我強度量表」及「自傷行為量表」為調查工具。調查所得資料分別以t檢定及羅吉式迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料處理。此外,並以訪談方式對18名有自傷行為之青少年進行質化分析。本研究主要發現如下: 1. 在生活壓力方面,有、無自傷行為之青少年在「家庭事件」和「人際事件」上有顯著差異存在,但在「學校事件」和「生長發育事件」上無明顯不同。 2. 在社會支持方面,有、無自傷行為之青少年的「父母支持」、「老師支持」、「同學支持」、「情緒性支持」、「工具性支持」及「訊息性支持」均有顯著差異存在。 3. 在自我強度方面,有、無自傷行為之青少年在「自我尊重」、「挫折容忍力」及「制握信念」上有顯著差異存在;但在「冒險取向」上無明顯著不同。 4. 青少年的自傷行為與生活壓力、社會支持、及自我強度有密切的關係,惟社會支持與自我強度兩變項能有效預測青少年的自我傷害行為。 5. 自傷青少年的內在歷程分析發現: (1) 自傷青少年親子互動不良、師生、同儕互動欠佳。 (2) 課業壓力和家庭問題是自傷青少年主要的生活壓力事件;面對壓力時,自傷青少年很少求助於父母和師長。 (3) 自傷青少年自我概念偏向負面的、缺乏自信、不滿意學業表現及消極面對困難與挫折。 (4) 青少年自傷行為本身的意義是自傷而非自殺,其動機不在結束生命,而是一種因應方式,目的在於獲得重要他人的關注、自我懲罰,或是好奇的嘗試。 (5) 自傷行為不再復發主要是因為獲得重要他人支持、自我強度增強及壓力釋放。 本研究結果有其重要意義,可作為教育、輔導的依據,並提出具體建議,以作為未來研究的參考。


The purposes of this study were : (1) to investigate the differences among life stress, social support and ego-strength between self-injurious experienced and unexperienced adolescents, (2) to predict self-injurious behavior according to life stress, social support and ego-strength, (3) to explore the cognitive process and subjective experiences of self-injured adolescents by interviewing. In this study, four instruments such as “Life Stress Scales”, “Social Support Scales”, “Ego-Strength Scales” and “Self-Injurious Behavior Scales” were adopted to survey 401 junior high school students. The gathering data were analyzed by t-test and logistic regression analysis methods. Furthermore, 18 adolescents who had self-injured were interviewed for qualitative analysis. The main findings were as follows: 1. According to life stress aspects, there are significant differences between self-injurious experienced and unexperienced adolescents in “family events” and “interpersonal events” , but not in “school events” and “psychophysical developmental events”. 2. According to social support aspects , there are significant differences between self-injurious experienced and unexperienced adolescents in “parent support”, “teacher support”, “classmates support”, “emotion support”, “tangible support” and “information support”. 3. According to ego-strength aspects, there are significant differences between self-injurious experienced and unexperienced adolescents in “self-esteem”, “frustration tolerance” and “locus of control”, but not in “risk- taking”. 4. Social support and ego-strength could significantly predict the self-injurious behaviors of adolescents. 5. According to the inside and subjective experience of self-injured adolescents, the results were as follows: (1)The self-injured adolescents have worse relationship with their parents, teachers and classmates. (2)“Stress of schoolwork” and “family problems” are the main life stress events for self-injured adolescents, they seldom ask their parents and teachers for help when facing stress. (3)The self-injured adolescents always have lower “self-esteem”, no confidence, negative attitude and are not satisfied with their academic achievment. (4)The meaning of self-injurious behavior for adolescents is self-injuring but not suiciding. The purpose of such self-injurious behavior is just to gain attentions from other people, or punish themselves and curiosity only. (5)The primary reasons for adolescents not to self-injure again are gaining support from others, increasing of ego-strength and releasing of stress. Based upon the above mentioned results, discussions and suggestions were presented.


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