  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳政友


摘 要 本研究的主要目的是在探討台南市國民中學一年級學生近視預防的知識、態度、行為之現況及其相關因素,以作為預防與改善國中學生視力之參考。本研究採問卷調查方式,以八十九學年度台南市公私立國民中學一年級普通班學生為母群,採多步驟隨機抽樣法抽取樣本,施測後得有效樣本1123人,回收率為99%。 研究所得結果如下: 一、研究對象有關近視形成的機轉較欠缺,且多數學生對自己罹患近 視並不以為然,近視之後亦未接受眼科醫師診治,而直接到眼鏡行檢查配鏡,這種觀念,也是今後應極力導正的重點。有關均衡飲食、經常進行戶外活動、近距離用眼40分鐘或不超過1小時,就應該「望遠休息」的習慣都亟待養成。 二、就單因子變異數分析的角度來看,「女生」、「學業成績高」和「有升學意願」的學生,其近視預防知識和態度都較好;而在近視預防行為方面,但未發現是那兩種社經地位彼此間有差異。 三、就複迴歸分析的角度來看,「學業成績」是預測近視預防知識最主要的變項;「近視預防知識」是預測近視預防態度最主要的變項;而預測近視預防行為最主要的變項則是「近視預防態度」。 所以充實學生的近視預防知識,養成近視預防的態度,建立近視預防行為,乃近視防治的當務之急。 根據研究發現,呼籲政府及各教育主管單位、當局應建立制度, 將近視預防的知識納入九年一貫課程以充實學生的近視預防知識,養成近視預防的態度,以建立近視預防行為,促進其身心健康。 關鍵詞:國民中學一年級學生、近視預防知識、近視預防態度、近視預防行為。


Abstract The main purpose of this study was to understand myopia preventing knowledge, attitude, behavior, and related factors of first-year junior high students in Tainan, Taiwan. The results of the study can be used as a reference for preventing myopia and improving vision care of junior high school students. A questionnaire was developed and utilized to collect the data.The population studied were students who were in their first-year of junior high during the 2000 school-year. We only studied those enrolled in schools of Tainan, Taiwan. A multi-stage sampling method was applied to select the sample. The sample size was 1123. Ninety-nine percent of the questionnaires distributed were completed and returned to us. The main findings of the study are as follows: 1. In general, Subjects have very little knowledge about the mechanism of the development of myopia, or nearsightedness. They have not been taking actions to prevent the worsening of their vision, and they even ignored symptoms that appeared. Instead of seeing ophthalmologists, they went to eyeglass stores directly. This maladaptive behavior should be corrected immediately. Having a balanced diet, getting regular outdoor exercises and taking rests for the eyes “ by seeing far away after reading 40 minutes to an hour ” are all the important habits to be developed. 2.From the One-Way ANOVA analysis, female students, students with higher scholastic achievements, and students with higher educational goals have better knowledge and attitudes about myopia prevention. When comparing any two of the social statuses “ high, middle and low ” we found no significant difference in the degree of myopia preventive behavior. 3. From Multiple Regression Analysis, knowledge of myopia prevention depended mostly on the students' scholastic achievements, attitude about myopia prevention depended mostly on the knowledge of myopia prevention; and behavior toward preventing myopia depended mostly on the attitude toward myopia prevention. Therefore enriching students' knowledge on myopia prevention, developing preventive myopia attitudes, and building myopia preventive behaviors are essential. According to the study, we should involve the government, the educational institution and the authorities concerned. To decrease the occurrence of myopia, we should include myopia preventive education in the first 9-years of schooling. By doing so, we can encourage better attitudes and behaviors toward myopia prevention, thereby promoting healthier bodies. Key words: first-year junior high students, myopia preventive knowledge, myopia preventive attitude, myopia preventive behavior.




李蘭、黃琪璘、王幼金、紀雪雲、楊志良(民78)。台北市國中一年級學生視力現況及相關之知識、態度及行為分析。 中華雜誌, 9 (4),210-221。
林隆光(民78)。近視的流行病學。健康世界,167,91~ 93。


