  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 王順美


摘 要綠色學校以學校作為環境教育推動場域,從校園空間面、政策面、生活面、教學面四個面向,著手環境教育行動,目的是為了讓環境教育得以在校園中落實與紮根。學校行政人員是主導學校推動環境教育的核心人物,瞭解行政人員的參與的動機與影響因子,有助綠色學校計畫的推動。本研究運用訪談的方式,探索14所國中小的行政人員「加入綠色學校的動機」、「推動環境教育的動機」、「推動過程中影響動機的因子」及「綠色學校計畫的推動項目內容對參與的影響」,經由訪談資料的整理、歸納、分析與詮釋,其結果如下:一、參與綠色學校的動機:學校行政人員主要希望能夠從綠色學校網路上獲得環境教育相關的資訊;其次,他們視綠色學校網站為各學校間與中心辦公室一個交流互動的管道,除此之外,能夠持續學校的環境教育目標及給自己與學校同事一個推動的著力點也是加入的動機之一。二、推動環境教育行動的動機:(1)擔任的職位角色是推動的起始點(2)學校特殊的環境教育問題是發展環境教育的契機(3)發展學校的環境教育特色,藉以提昇學校的競爭力的目標引導(4)主導者的環保理念、態度引領環境教育行動(5)實踐教育理念是參與行政人員的最高指導原則。三、影響動機的因子:在行動的過程中,動機受到某些因素,使動機增強與減弱,增強的原因包含:(1)要有行動的行動點子,才會產生行動的具體目標(2)校長對環境教育的重視程度,建立基本規範(3)同事、人力上的支援減低活動推動上的負擔(4)相關資源可以協助與運用幫助活動的推行。相反的,也有一些因素是行動的阻力,減低了學校行政人員推動環境教育的動機:(1)學校活動的相互排擠效應(2)執行推動上的無力感(3)校內沒有經費支援環境教育行動。四、在綠色學校推動的內涵項目對參與的影響:(1)藉由自評表清楚方向與目標,但在填寫提報上,產生一些疑慮與擔憂(2)受到研討會上的熱力感召(3)上網提報上能力的不足。根據研究結果,研究者提出從外在的誘因與內在的動機上,雙管齊下的提供受訪者充分的行動動機,在行政人員的動機增強上部分,其建議如下:(1)提供與環境教育業務有關的行政人員明確的工作角色內容(2)找出學校環境教育特色,與環境問題,以此為推動的目標方向(3)在研討會上深入淺出的探討環境教育的重要性,運用相關的案例做說明。(4)強調環境教育與教育理想實踐的目標一致性與相合性(5)提供學校行政人員獎勵與進修的管道。在綠色學校計畫本身的項目內涵上,本研究的建議有:(1)在網路上建立專家指導的服務團名單(2)舉辦區域性研習會(3)解決網路提報,各學校能力不足的問題(4)增強希望樹的獎勵機制。關鍵詞:學校行政人員、環境教育、綠色學校計畫、動機 Abstract Project green school is a plan that to promote environmental education through schools from four aspects-- space of campus, policy, lifestyle and teaching. The purpose of green school project is to make environmental education (EE) in school practicable. School administrators are key people who guide to set school EE into action and to realize administrators’ motivation of promoting green school project is helpful for the promotion of the project. In this research, the multi-case studies are used as the research method. The approach for the data collection method is interview. We explore the four questions-- “the motivation to participate in green school project”, “the motivation of taking EE action”, “some factors that influence the degree of motivation” and “the influence of green school project contents”—by interviewing administrators from 14 junior high schools and primary schools. The results are as below: 1. The motivation to participate in green school project:the main motivation of school administrators is to get some EE information from green school network. Secondary, they view green school network as a place where they communicate with each other. Moreover, the sense of responsibility as being an environmental education center and give oneself and co-workers a clear working direction are part of motivation. 2. The motivation to take EE action:(1)the starting point of the promotion is the roles he/she plays in his/her job(2)special school environmental education problem is the critical time of developing environmental education(3)improving competition ability of school is the goal to lead development of environmental education of school(4)the whole situation is influenced by the leader’s point of view of EE (5)the highest guide principles is to put the education goal into practice。 3. Some factors that influence the degree of motivation:during the process of action, the degree of motivation could be increased or decreased. The reasons of the increasing degree of motivation are :(1)action ideas produce action direction(2)a school principal’s attention on EE is important(3)a fellow worker’s help to lower the burden(4)support from some other resources. On the contrary, some factors decrease the degree of motivation:(1)one activity push out the other one(2)the difficulty to carry out the project(3)no funds supported. 4. The influence of green school project contents:(1)knowing the direction of GS by self- estimate table but some anxiety and worry produced when writing it.(2) the idea deeply influence in the seminar(3) increase some encumbrance about to report the information 。 In the part of how to strengthen administrators’ motivation , the suggestions are :(1)provide administrators definite work about EE (2)To find EE features and EE problem of school , then to develop it or to solve it ( 3)illustrate the importance of EE in school, use some of concrete case in the seminar(4)emphasize EE as the of education(5)give reward or provide opportunity to pursue further education. In the part of green school project contents, the suggestions are :(1)to establish professional service member list in the GS network(2)to hold regional workshop(3)to solve the problem that GS members have difficulty to share their achievements in the GG network (4)to strengthen reward system of GS wishing tree. Keywords:school administrators, environmental education, green school project, motivation.


Project green school is a plan that to promote environmental education through schools from four aspects-- space of campus, policy, lifestyle and teaching. The purpose of green school project is to make environmental education (EE) in school practicable. School administrators are key people who guide to set school EE into action and to realize administrators’ motivation of promoting green school project is helpful for the promotion of the project. In this research, the multi-case studies are used as the research method. The approach for the data collection method is interview. We explore the four questions-- “the motivation to participate in green school project”, “the motivation of taking EE action”, “some factors that influence the degree of motivation” and “the influence of green school project contents”—by interviewing administrators from 14 junior high schools and primary schools.  The results are as below: 1. The motivation to participate in green school project:the main motivation of school administrators is to get some EE information from green school network. Secondary, they view green school network as a place where they communicate with each other. Moreover, the sense of responsibility as being an environmental education center and give oneself and co-workers a clear working direction are part of motivation. 2. The motivation to take EE action:(1)the starting point of the promotion is the roles he/she plays in his/her job(2)special school environmental education problem is the critical time of developing environmental education(3 )improving competition ability of school is the goal to lead development of environmental education of school(4)the whole situation is influenced by the leader’s point of view of EE (5)the highest guide principles is to put the education goal into practice。 3. Some factors that influence the degree of motivation:during the process of action, the degree of motivation could be increased or decreased. The reasons of the increasing degree of motivation are :(1)action ideas produce action direction(2)a school principal’s attention on EE is important(3)a fellow worker’s help to lower the burden(4)support from some other resources. On the contrary, some factors decrease the degree of motivation:(1)one activity push out the other one(2)the difficulty to carry out the project(3)no funds supported. 4. The influence of green school project contents:(1)knowing the direction of GS by self- estimate table but some anxiety and worry produced when writing it.(2) the idea deeply influence in the seminar(3) increase some encumbrance about to report the information 。 In the part of how to strengthen administrators’ motivation , the suggestions are :(1)provide administrators definite work about EE (2)To find EE features and EE problem of school , then to develop it or to solve it ( 3) illustrate the importance of EE in school, use some of concrete case in the seminar(4)emphasize EE as the of education(5)give reward or provide opportunity to pursue further education. In the part of green school project contents, the suggestions are :(1)to establish professional service member list in the GS network(2)to hold regional workshop(3)to solve the problem that GS members have difficulty to share their achievements in the GG network (4)to strengthen reward system of GS wishing tree. Keywords:school administrators, environmental education, green school project, motivation.






郭炯廷(2011)。問題本位學習對六年級學童的問題解決能力 與環境態度之影響〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201100559
