  • 學位論文

James S. Coleman社會資本論及其教育應用-TEPS之檢證

James S. Coleman’s social capital and its applications in education:

指導教授 : 張建成


近年來,Coleman的社會資本論在教育社會學界廣泛應用且受到重視,但是伴隨眾多不同的研究脈絡下,概念的原初意義與內涵反而產生模糊;同時,立基於實徵研究結果的發現上,亦引發學者的批評論爭。國內以其論點進行的研究不在少數,然而對於理論內涵的詳究以及相關論爭議題的探討始終付之闕如。因此,本研究首先對Coleman的社會資本論進行系統性的整全探究,並進一步以全國性樣本的TEPS資料庫檢證之。 本研究採量化設計,首先以描述統計分析受試樣本的特性分佈情形;其次以單因子變異數分析考驗家庭背景變項在社會資本、學業成就間的差異情形,再則以皮爾遜積差相關法瞭解社會資本與學業成就的相關程度,最後以多元迴歸分析考驗社會資本對於學業成就的預測力。藉由前述統計方法,本研究所得的結論如下: 一、家庭社經背景越好,所擁有的社會資本越豐厚; 二、家庭結構主要影響家庭內的社會資本,並未限制家長與校方以及其他家長間的聯繫與熟識網絡; 三、母親就業可能帶來資源與機會,未必不利於社會資本; 四、父母的成人數並非決定社會資本的唯一要素,互動過程同樣重要; 五、父母的人力資本未必需要透過社會資本才能發揮作用; 六、家庭背景透過社會資本的中介而影響學業成就,但作用力有限; 七、學校中的社會資本對於學業成就有較大的影響力。 基於研究發現與結論,本研究提出未來研究的建議,備供參酌。


There is a growing body of literature on Coleman’s social capital and its relationship to educational development. As the concept has captured the attention of educational researchers, a critical review and synthesis of the theory in itself and the issues based on the empirical studies are notably absent. Therefore, the purposes of this study are as follow: First, a thorough critical inquiry into the literatures is taken to establish theoretical models .Then, Taiwan Educational Panel Survey is used to test the models. Statistical methods such as “descriptive statistics” are reported as mean for continuous variables; continuous variables are analyzed using “One-Way ANOVA”. In addition, “Pearson correlation coefficient “and “Multiple Regression Analysis” are performed. The major findings are as follows: 1. The higher SES, the more social capital of students; 2. Family structures have effects mainly on social capital at home, and do not restrict the social capital outside home; 3. Mothers who move out of the household to jobs do not damage the social capital; 4. Whether parents are divorced is not the only element to govern social capital; the process of interaction is equally important; 5. The human capital of parents does not necessarily have effects on the children’s human capital through social capital 6. SES affects academic achievement through social capital within a modest rate; 7. Social capital in the school has much more influence on student achievement.


Burt, R. S.(2001). Structural holes versus network closure as social capital. In N, Lin, K., Cook, & R. S. Burt (2001), Social capital: Theory and research(pp.31-56). N.Y.: Aldine de Gruyter.
Lin, N., Cook, K., & Burt, R. S. (2001). Social capital: Theory and research. N.Y.: Aldine de Gruyter.


李雯雅(2009)。台灣國二學生數學學習成就之相關因素研究:以TIMSS 2007問卷為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2009.02697
