  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 張樹倫


多元文化教育的目的,是為了追求教育機會的均等,讓來自不同社會背景的學生都能夠適性發展。本研究旨在探討教科書市場開放後,九年一貫國民小學社會學習領域教科書在原住民內容上的呈現情形,透過內容分析法,瞭解目前各校使用的四個版本國民小學社會學習領域教科書中原住民教材的呈現情形。 研究者參考文獻,改編葉宜倩、呂枝益等之研究分析架構,製成「國民小學社會學習領域教科書之原住民內容主題類目表」、「國民小學社會學習領域教科書之原住民內容主角類目表」和「國民小學社會學習領域教科書之原住民內容偏見歧視類目表」,分別以課文「段落」以及圖片「幅」為單位進行分析。範圍包括了南一版、康軒版、仁林版和翰林版四個版本之國民小學社會學習領域教科書一至八冊,共計32冊。其研究結果如下: 壹、 在主題類目上 一、各版本於四大主題類目的排序相同,比例略有不同。 二、各版本教科書於四大主題類目的分佈情形有所差異。 三、各版本教科書於各主題類目之比較,各有特點與不足之處。 貳、在主角類目上 統計結果發現,現今國小社會學習領域教科書仍是以傳統九族出現的次數為多,新增列的太魯閣族、邵族和噶瑪蘭族比例很低。 參、原住民相關內容之分析 一、消失不見:原住民人物楷模稀少,而事蹟只有抗日一件。 二、刻板印象:內容之中沒有明顯的出現,但有一些小缺失存在。 三、選擇與不均衡:漢族中心的思想較明顯,原住民仍多為附屬角色。 四、違反事實:未能描述反應族群衝突與原住民族真實的生活情況。 五、零碎與孤立:未能系統性介紹原住民內容與肯定其貢獻。 六、表面功夫:原住民內容之描述較為表淺,儀式祭典之介紹過於走馬看花。 根據前述之研究結果,提出以下建議: 壹、對將來教科書編撰原住民相關內容之建議 一、教科書中原住民內容的編排,應統整於整體課程之中,以提高教材中原住民內容之層次。 二、對於論述較薄弱或較缺乏的原住民主題,適度地增加。 三、原住民內容之介紹,可輔以其他教材補充。 四、將來教科書中原住民內容之呈現,可參照本研究所發現之問題加以改善,以趨於完整。 貳、對教師在教學現場之建議 一、教學過程之中,教師應對教科書中的原住民內容多加引導。 二、教學目標之訂定,應與多元文化教育目標相結合,以教育出能與不同族群和睦共處的現代公民。 參、對後續研究之建議 一、研究對象 (一)後續的研究者可對國小加國中的教科書內容加以探究,以對九年一貫課程有通盤性的瞭解。 (二)對教師手冊、學生習作、兒童讀物等相關輔助教材進行研究分析。 (三)後續的研究者可對其他學習領域中的原住民內涵繼續討論,例如:語文、藝術與人文等學習領域。 (四)教師如何傳遞原住民相關的知識,與學生如何學習與解讀教師所給予的內容,都是後續研究者可以多加注意的。 二、研究方法 後續的研究者可以運用其他研究方法,以進一步瞭解教科書實際運用層次的相關問題。


The purpose of multicultural education is to build an equal educational environment for all students and the different background students have an equal opportunity to learn efficiently. The purpose of study is to distribution of the contents of aboriginal cultures in Grade 1-9 Curriculum for social studies textbooks in elementary schools after the markets of textbooks are no longer monopolized by our government. Through content analysis, this research aims to examine the distribution of the aboriginal teaching material in four different versions adopted by elementary schools. To analyze it distinguishingly by paragraphs and pictures in textbooks ,such as Nan-Yi, Kang-Xuan, Ren-Lin and Han-Lin,each from book 1 to book 8. The findings are as follows: 1. In the aspect of subjects a. It shows that the turns of the four subjects is the same and the presentation in each versions differs slightly. b. It shows that the subjects in each versions are variable. c. It shows that the subjects in each versions are not only synthetically characteristic but imperfect. 2. In the aspect of character It shows that the content of social studies textbooks in elementary school prefers numerously to the nine Taiwanese aborigines. However, the newly added descriptions of Taroko, Thao and Kavalan appearin the textbook at a very low ratio. 3. In the aspect of prejudice a. Invisibility:The ratio in aboriginal figure is very low and the performance is fight against the Japanese. b. Stereotyping:The appear in stereotyping is very low, but there are still some questions. c. Selectivity & imbalance:While the subject of cultural contact is the Chinese, the aborigines play the second role in Taiwan. d. Unreality:The described history about the race is lack of explanation for real conflicts and living. e. Fragmentation&Isolation:It can not show the content of the aborigines systematically and affirm the aborigines contribution. f. Cosmetic Bias:The cultural content of the aborigines is superficial and ritually presented, which results in bureaucracy. According to the result of the study, several suggest are offered as follow: 1. Suggestions for the follow-up editions concerning aboriginal thems. a. The content of the aborigines in textbooks integrate with classes that enhance its level. b. Add statements neglected before into future discussion. c. It shows the content of the aborigines with other teaching materials. d. By improving the prejudice of the contents, it can be perfect. 2. Suggestions for the teachers in classrooms a. Teachers must guide the content of the aborigines during teaching. b. The goals of teaching must combine the goals of multicultural education that can educate modern citizens who can live with different racial people. 3. Suggestion for follow-up studies a. The research character (a) The follow-up researchers may explore the connected curriculum between the sixth and the ninth grade in order to maintain the goal of compulsory education. (b) To research the other teaching materials. (c) The follow-up researchers may explore or study other areas of learning, for example art etc.. (d) The follow-up researchers can care that teachers how to teach students and students how to learn by realizing teaching. b. The research methods Follow-up researchers can adopt more study methods that can know the more questions in using textbooks. Keywords:Multicultural education, The social studies textbooks in elementary schools, The content of the aborigines.




陳浩俞(2014)。99-102 學年度<全國多元文化教育優良教案> 之內容分析-多元文化主義取向與議題的變遷〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201613590777
