  • 學位論文


The Solitary in the Subconscious - The Painting Research of Teo Pei Nee

指導教授 : 王瓊麗




Solitary is the emotional consciousness that most people will experience in life, but everyone's life is different, and the nature of solitary will also be different. The role of artistic creation in today's society is not just simply "painting". In the face of negative emotions, pressure, and solitary, art is a tool for balancing emotional conflicts and projecting the inner world of the creator. In the creation of the artist, the process of thinking under the individual consciousness, the consideration of the composition of the picture, the choice of colors and media also have their meanings. This article will interpret the symbolic language of solitary in art works through the method of "seeing pictures" in phenomenology, and then explore the prototype of the author's own sense of solitary and the connection between the creative process and the subconscious. In addition, the author also starts from the sense of solitary to discuss the influence of symbolism on the author, the process of art work and the analysis of works.


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