  • 學位論文


A Case Study of the Life Adjustment and the Development Process of the Teenagers Cohabiting with Single Parent - A Case of S Junior High School in Taoyuan City

指導教授 : 吳克


本研究旨在探討來自單親家庭,依父或依母青少年生活適應與發展歷程之現況,從單親青少年:依親對象、父母管教方式及親子互動,來分析比較其生活適應及發展歷程的差異。本研究主要以桃園市S國中共十位單親青少年作為研究的對象,使用質性研究的深度訪談法來蒐集資料,藉此深入了解受訪者的內心想法,以進一步了解單親青少年生活適應的實際情形,以期提供教育工作者或是相關的輔導單位更為確切的協助方向。而根據研究結果,主要發現如下: 1、依母青少年的家庭適應優於依父青少年。單親母親願意花時間陪伴在孩子身邊,傾聽孩子的聲。依母青少年對家庭產生較多的歸屬感,因此家庭適應也較佳。 2、依母青少年的學習適應優於依父青少年。單親母親較單親父親在乎子女在課業上的表現,也願意支付額外的費用讓子女進行課後補習,因此依母青少年的學習成就也較依父青少年為佳。 3、依父青少年人際關係較為複雜,而依母青少年人際關係則較單純。依父青少年積極向外尋求同儕的關懷,也會花較多時間建立自己的人際關係;而依母青少年雖然交友圈較小,但人際問題也較少。所以依父或依母青少年的人際適應狀況不同,但是普遍良好。 4、依母青少年與依父青少年的自我適應差異不大。若父母親離婚時,個案的年齡較輕,對其自我適應的影響也較輕。因為年紀太小,在家庭結構重組的過程當中並沒有留下深刻的印象,因此受到的影響也較小。 5、無論依親的對象為何,單親青少年的心理發展狀況普遍不佳。國中階段的青少年對於自己的能力以及未來皆未有明確的理解以及規劃,因此依父或依母青少年在自我統整的心理發展階段並沒有太大的差異。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the life adjustment and the development process of the teenagers cohabiting with single parent. By interviews, single-parent teenagers’ backgrounds, including with whom they live and parent-child interaction was analyzed. Ten single-parent students in S Junior High School were chose as participants. Naturalistic inquiry was adopted as the methodology of this study. The results were summarized as follows: 1.The family adjustment of the single-parent teenagers cohabiting with their mothers is better than those with their fathers. Single mothers are willing to spend more time with their children and listen to them. With more sense of belonging in the family, the family adjustment of the teenagers cohabiting with single mothers is better. 2.The learning adjustment of the single-parent teenagers cohabiting with their mothers is better than those with their fathers. Single mothers care more about their chilren’s performance in learning and are willing to pay additional money for cram schools. Therefore, the learning achievement of the teenagers cobating with their mothers are better. 3.The interpersonal relationship of the teenagers cohabiting with their fathers is complicated, but the interpsersonal relationship of those with mothers is simpler. The teenager with their fathers make many friends and spend most time being with them. Those with their mothers have smaller circle of friends. 4.The difference of the self adjustment between the teenagers cohabiting with their mothers and those with fathers is small. The single-parent teenagers were too young to remember what had happened to their family. They are less affected when their parents got divorced. 5.No matter who the dependents they live with is, the psychological development of the single-parent teenagers is poor. The teenagers are little aware of their capability and their future. Therefore, there isn’t many differences in the aspect of the self-integration between the single-parent teenagers who live with their fathers and those with their mothers.


