  • 學位論文


Research in Transformations of Structures and Functions of Training and Development in Public Personnel System : A Perspective of Historical Institutionalism

指導教授 : 呂育誠


在我國人事行政體系中,公務人員訓練事項是由行政與考試兩院的所屬機關分工執行。在這樣的分工架構下,訓練組織獨立運作、各自發展,但相對也缺乏整合的意願與基礎。這使得各機關對於訓練未來的發展方向,未必有所共識,更可能有相左的主張。 基於這樣的背景,本文便企圖從訓練制度的歷史回顧中,運用歷史制度主義的觀點去詮釋其變遷的意涵、並找尋其固有之特質,以藉此對我國公務人員訓練的定位與功能進行新的界說。而此界說與歷史文本的重構,便可作為未來訓練組織協調整合的一個理論與認知之基礎。 本文的研究歸納發現,訓練制度發展路徑在兩院間有兩次重大的轉折,並呈現「擺盪」的路徑走向。此外,在這演變進程中,可發現「彈性」、「分化」、「政府導向」與「組織的訓練需求」是我國訓練制度的主要特質;故相對的,如何兼顧「穩定性」、「整合」、「民間導向」與「個人的訓練需求」,便可能是未來發展公務人員訓練應考量的課題。 最後,本文認為,「雙軌制」的訓練體系、以及現有訓練事項的「業務功能」未來仍會持續存在,並維持穩定不變,故應在此基礎上尋求雙軌雙贏共存的利基、以及密切業務協調的聯繫交流關係。至於各訓練組織間的「政府間關係」、以及「民間組織的角色」,是未來較為值得加以革新的重點,故應嘗試整合訓練組織間的業務與資源、並將外圍的訓練業務計劃性地委託予民間組織。


The Civil Service training affairs is implemented by the institutes of Executive Yuan and Examination Yuan in public personnel System of Taiwan. In the framework of the division of labor, training institutes operate independently. And they might relatively lack of willingness to integrate their tasks. Under these circumstances, training institutes have different opinions or plans for Civil Service training. Thus, they are hardly to have consensuses, and this might cause conflicting opinions between them. Based on this background, this paper will review the history of the training system. The use of historical institutionalism perspective is helpful to interpret the changes in its meaning by considering its inherent qualities to take on the training for civil servants. This redefinition and reconstruction of historical context based in theory and cognitive approach is useful in organizing and coordinating future trainings. The findings in the research shows that the main transformations in institutional training developing path had two major turning point, in which its path was “swing” between Executive Yuan and Examination Yuan. Also in this process, we found out that “flexibility”, “differentiation”, “government oriented” and “organizational training needs” are the main characteristics of training institution. Therefore, balancing these characteristics and other characteristics such as “stability”, “integration”, “people-oriented” and “individual training needs”, should be considered carefully in the future development of Civil Service training. Finally, this study shows that the “dual-track” training system and the “task functions” of training affairs will continue to exist and remain stable in the future. With this, we should search the niches for collaboration between dual-track systems, and establish close coordination and communication for training organizations. As for the “inter-government relations” and the “role of NGOs” , the future is more worthy to focus on innovation. Moreover, it should try to integrate inter-organizational affairs and resources, and the delegate training projects entrusted to NGOs.




