  • 學位論文


A Study on the Adaption and Demands of Elderly Female Inmates

指導教授 : 許春金


我國自95年7月1日起新刑法暨其施行法實施之後,矯正機關將面臨長刑期受刑人收容及處遇之問題。受刑人老齡化問題將伴隨著長期監禁而產生,監獄因監禁空間有限及整體生活管理之需要,無法集中管理或提供老年受刑人充分之休閒及運動,老年受刑人比年輕受刑人有較多生理及心理疾病問題,且較容易造成意外傷害,因此需要更多的醫療照護。監獄本為特殊環境,監禁所造成之壓力將使受刑人感到痛苦,受刑人在監適應之良窳攸關戒護管理與教化之成效。 犯罪年齡高齡化之趨勢不僅反映社會人口結構變化,對於未來犯罪矯正及更生保護亦會產生重大影響。 由於高齡受刑人生理功能之退化,對生活環境或相關設施的需求,有別於其他受刑人,因此應注重其身心健康狀況、醫療照護、飲食需求、精神支持及教化課程等需求。本研究目的在於以深度訪談法探討女性高齡受刑人在監生活適應狀況及需求,提供有助於高齡受刑人在監適應處遇之建議,以做為未來監獄管理改善之參考。 本研究採質性研究法,以立意抽樣方式對於高雄女子監獄3名及桃園女子監獄6名60歲以上女性高齡受刑人作深度訪談,另以開放性問卷方式詢問1位臺北監獄實務工作者經驗分享。本研究分析結果發現如下: 1、 目前已適應在監環境者共4名,仍在適應階段者共3名,自述入監後仍不適應環境者共2名。剛 入監時通常有不習慣監獄生活之情形,主要不適應之壓力來源係來自身邊同儕,通常過了一段時 間後便逐漸適應監禁壓力,以及融入監獄團體生活,但也有少數已入監好幾年卻仍不適應在監生 活之高齡受刑人,原因主要來自「身體健康多病痛」、「未能調適入監後之自我認知或無法融入監 獄次文化團體」之情況。 2、若監獄內醫療人員或醫療措施能使高齡受刑人感到安心放心,身體健康較無病痛,則在監情緒上 也會跟著比較安穩。 3、受訪者一致認為女子監獄的飲食非常好。女子監獄除管教方式人性化,也十分注意高齡受刑 人生心理方面之照護。 4、高齡者十分注重自我身體健康狀況、有慢性疾病或身體多病者,服刑期間須依賴監所之醫療制度 或設備。 5、舒緩在監壓力之方式包括: (1) 藉由宗教信仰尋求心靈寄託。 (2) 家庭支持十分重要,藉由通信及接見與家人連繫情感。 (3) 監獄管教與社會支持相對重要,包括同儕相處、管理人員之管教方式。放寬處遇標準可減少壓力來源,協助儘快適應監獄生活。通常當女性高齡受刑人遭受不好對待時會選擇消極忍耐、不與他人起衝突、忍氣吞聲、轉變自己想法、不想惹麻煩、平安過日子的方式,認為少惹麻煩才是正確的。 6、是否適應在監生活的關鍵在於「自己的心態」。 7、教化課程對女性高齡受刑人是有幫助的,但許多人會因為不識字而對教化活動興趣缺缺。 8、女性高齡受刑人認為暫無成立老人專監(或於監獄內設置老人專區)之必要。 9、希對高齡者採取寬容政策,以各式轉向方案替代監禁刑罰。 10、對監內事情無太大興趣或敏感度,覺得什麼都不重要,希望早日出監。 11、認為出監後沒有技訓方面的需求。因為大部分女性高齡受刑人與家庭成員互動良好,出監後有兒女奉養,所以不覺得出監後生活會有什麼經濟上的問題。 本研究提出以下幾點建議以供參考,希能對於女性高齡受刑人在監生活適應有所助益: 1、強化監獄對於女性高齡受刑人身心醫療照護。2、若無適當之空間、設備及人力,不建議將高齡者分別監禁或集中管理。3、制訂女性高齡受刑人處遇計畫。4、舒緩在監生活壓力,規劃適合女性高齡受刑人之教化課程或休閒活動。5、微罪或新高齡受刑人--以替代選擇(轉向)之方案代替矯正機構之監禁。6、刑期冗長之高齡受刑人—重視教化及輔導之管理。7、加強管教人員輔導、醫療專業知能之訓練。8、加強其他收容人照護與急救知能訓練。9、增強女性高齡受刑人之家庭支持功能與社會支持管道。


After our new Criminal Laws and its Enforcement has been implemented since July 1st, 2006, the rehabilitation authorities will face the issue of accommodation and treatment for long-term inmates. The aging issues of inmates accompany with the lifelong imprisonment. Troubled by limited prison space and the demands on collective life management, there is no space available for collective management or sufficient activities in recreation and sports for elderly female inmates. Elderly female inmates come with more physical and mental diseases than those of young ones. They trend to cause accidental injuries and need more medical care. Prisons are actually a type of special environment. The stress caused by imprisonment will make injuries painful. The adaption of inmates is critical to the performance of imprisonment management and education. The trends with increasing ages of criminals do not only reflect the changes to social demographic structures, but also cause remarkable influence on upcoming criminal rehabilitation and protection. Due to the physical function degeneration, the demands of elderly female inmates on living environment or relevant facilities are highly different from those of young ones. Therefore, it is required to pay close attention to some demands on their physical and mental health conditions, medical care, diet needs, spirit support and education courses. This research aims to conduct in-depth interviews exploring the adaption and demands on imprisonment life of elderly female inmates. The suggestions are helpful for imprisonment adaption of elderly female inmates with the reference for upcoming improvement on imprisonment adaption. This research is operated with qualitative studies by means of purposive sampling and in-depth interviews on female inmates aging above 60, 3 from the Kaohsiung Female Prison and 6 from the Taoyuan Female Prison. Also, open questionnaire surveys are conducted on an experimental subject with practical management affairs in the Taipei Prison. Research results are described as below: 1. Currently, there have been 4 inmates already adapted to imprisonment life. However, there are 3 inmates still under adaption. In addition, 2 inmates admit they are not adapted. About the conditions not adapted to imprisonment life initially, the stress resource mainly originates from peers surrounding them. Usually, they can gradually get adapted to imprisonment stress after a while and become harmony with imprisonment group life. However, there are also few elderly female inmates unable to get adapted to imprisonment life after numerous years. The situation is mainly due to “frequent physical problems and diseases”, “unable to get adapted to self-recognition” or “unable to become harmony with subculture groups in prison”. 2. If medical care givers or relevant facilities can make elderly female inmates ease their mind, they show stable emotion due to no physical pains happening. 3. Inmates are consistently satisfied with excellent diets in the female prisons. Aside from humane management, female prisons also highly emphasize the mental care of elderly female inmates. 4. Elderly female inmates often pay close attention to their health conditions. Inmates with chronic diseases or frequently happening diseases have to depend on medical care systems or facilities in prisons. 5. The ways to ease imprisonment stress include: (1) Searching spiritual support with religious faith (2) Seeking highly important family support with letters and interviews (3) Relatively important imprisonment education and social support including partnerships and management ways of administers. Relaxed treatment standards can reduce stress resource and help inmates quickly get adapted to imprisonment life. Usually, when elderly female inmates receive unfair treatment, they are apt to take passive action and unwilling to clash with others. They try to change their own mind and never get into troubles living a peaceful life. They often suppose the correct way is to avoid getting into troubles. 6. Self-attitude means the key to get adapted imprisonment life. 7. Rehabilitation courses are helpful for elderly female inmates. However, there are still numerous illiterate inmates not interested in these courses. 8. It is unnecessary to establish prisons dedicated to elderly female inmates (or special zone dedicated to elderly female inmates in prisons). 9. It is hoped relaxed policies shall be allowable for elderly female inmates with generous alternatives replacing imprisonment punishment. 10. Elderly female inmates show no interest and sensitivity to the affairs internal to prisons and aspire to leave as early as possible. 11. There is no demand for professional skill training after imprisonment is done because most female inmates interact harmoniously with family members. They can be supported by children after imprisonment. There is no economic trouble happening. In this research, there are some points suggested as below. It is hoped the suggestions can be helpful for imprisonment life of elderly female inmates: 1. Prisons should enhance physical and mental medical care for elderly female inmates in prisons; 2. If there is no adequate space, facilities and manpower available, especially isolated imprisonment or collective management of elderly female inmates are not recommended; 3. Prisons should regulate treatment projects dedicated to elderly female inmates; 4. It is supposed to ease stress of imprisonment life with education courses or recreation activities suitable for elderly female inmates; 5. Elderly female inmates or those committing petty misdemeanors can be punished with generous alternatives implemented by the rehabilitation authorities in place of imprisonment; 6. Elderly female inmates with long-term imprisonment shall be conducted with thoughtful management in education and consultancy; 7. Prisons should enhance the consultancy on imprisonment administers and professional training on medical care; 8. Prisons should enhance medical care and the training on first aids for other inmates; 9. Prisons should enhance the functional ducts of family and society support available for elderly female inmates.


徐慶發,2007 ,<外國監獄矯治概況-兼論日本老人犯罪現象> ,《律師雜誌》,


