  • 學位論文


Factors Relating to the Sentencing of Copyright Violators in Taiwan

指導教授 : 周愫嫻


民國96年修訂後之著作權法擴大了智慧財產之保護類型,不論行為人主觀上是否意圖營利或係供個人使用,只要是以光碟方式「重製」,即屬非告訴乃論罪,檢察官得主動訴追偵辦。對於意圖銷售或出租而擅自以光碟方式重製他人著作者,得科以6個月以上5年以下有期徒刑,相當於縱火、教唆殺人之重刑。保護智慧財產權雖是國際化之主流共識,然就著作權法之擅自重製罪而言,侵害的多屬私人企業之商業利益而已,是否須科以6個月以上5年以下之重刑,在摒除國際壓力或政治等非專業因素之干擾後,實有檢討其公訴化及刑度刑責之必要性與正當性。 本研究蒐集全國地方法院96年至97年對於違反著作權法第91條「擅自重製罪」案件之有罪判決書中共338件。經過內容分析後,發現: 1.法律因素中「犯罪動機與目的、犯罪手段、生活狀況與品行、違反義務之程度、犯後態度、緩刑與否、常業犯及法定減刑」,與法律外因素「被告性別、賠償和解或求情、重製期間次數、重製物數量、著作財產數量、法庭因素及國際形象」,統計分析之結果達到顯著性之水準,可見該15個量刑因素對於法官之科刑審酌具有重要之參考影響。 2.違反著作權法擅自重製罪之行為人以男性居多;年齡多數分布在18至30歲之青年;有五成之行為人是無犯罪之前科紀錄。 3.判決結果有將近九成的被告是被判處2年以下之有期徒刑,且平均刑期僅比法定刑之最低刑度多出1個月左右;並有高達五成的行為人被宣告緩刑,顯見法官對於此類智慧財產案件之宣判,仍傾向於從輕之量刑結果。 本研究建議:(1)法官對於該類智財案件係採從輕量刑之實務見解,應透過刑事政策之彙集與規劃,反映在立法之修訂與調整,以符合我國之民情和法感情。(2)架構刑事訴訟之量刑程序,提供法官充足資料以資科刑審酌之考量,並落實在判決書中對於量刑因素之具體呈現與敘明,以利於實證資料之長期搜集及統計分析,並進階幫助司法院頒行之「智慧財產案件量刑參考要點」能建立實際可行且具科學預測性之量刑參考規範。


In 2007, the Copyright Act was amended to expand the protection range of intellectual property types , regardless of whether the perpetrator’s subjective intention is to profit or for personal use; mere "reproduction" with optical disk may lead to indictment.. Intent to sell or lease a reproduction onto an optical disk shall lead imprisonment of not less than six months and not more than five years. This is as severe as the penalty for arson or solicitation to murder . Although the protection of intellectual property rights now has international consensus, such unauthorized reproduction mostly relates to the interests of commercial private business. In this context, do the new sentencing levels go beyond what is just ? It is important to review the necessity and legitimacy of the offender’s prosecution and punishment . This study collected 338 guilty verdicts of violation of copyright law, article 91 "offense of unauthorized reproduction" from 2007 to 2008 in Taiwan. Analysing the content of these verdicts, it was found that: 1. Legal factors included: "criminal intent and purpose, criminal means, living conditions, moral conduct, the degree of the obligation breached, the attitude after committing crime, suspended or not, habitual offender and the statutory remission". Non-legal factors included " gender, compensation, reconciliation or intercession, duration and number of reproductions, quantity of material, the number of the work, court factors and international reputation". These factors reached statistically significant levels. Thus, these 15 factors have important relevance to judicial decision-making in regard to sentence. 2. In these cases,perpetrators are mostly male; ages 18 to 30 years old; and 50% perpetrators have no prior criminal record. 3. Nearly 90% of defendants are sentenced to below two years imprisonment, and an average sentence length just more than the minimum punishment permitted for legal sentence 1 month or so; 50% are given a non-custodial sentence of probation. It appears that the offence is of intellectual property theft merits a typical sentence well below the maximum permitted by law. This study suggests that: (1) judges treat intellectual property cases relatively leniently in practice; and there may be a case for adjusting the new legal framework to reflect such judicial practice. (2) To construct a clearer sentencing procedure, allowng factors to be clearly identified of relevance in decision-making so that it will be better for long-term empirical data collection and statistical analysis. In advance, it may assist the Judicial Yuan to enact the "Intellectual Property Cases of Sentencing Reference Regulation," which can establish a practical and predictable scientific reference guideline for regulation of sentencing.




