  • 學位論文


The Study of Adolescent & Their Parents' Help-seeking Processes

指導教授 : 程玲玲


本研究屬於質性研究,以青少年及其父母為受訪對象,透過訪談探討當親子面臨衝突時,青少年及其父母的求助歷程。研究目的為:(1)探討青少年及其父母的求助歷程;(2)探討求助歷程中,青少年及其父母的互動內涵;(3)瞭解從青少年及其父母角度所詮釋的求助歷程。青少年及其父母的求助歷程歸納整理之後,命名為:衝突期、各自求助期以及共同求助期,每個階段的轉變都有重要的關鍵因素。 衝突期的特色是「轉變」與「差異」,呈現出青少年的轉變以及親子認知、想法上的差異。面對青少年在行為、認知、想法上的轉變,親子各自有自己的解讀與看法,彼此的差異使得親子衝突的機會越來越多。當他們開始對問題有所覺察時,親子雙方便開啟各自的求助歷程。 「無力」與「失望」是各自求助期的特色。青少年及其父母在人際網絡中,尋找可以給予協助的對象。過程中,父母一再感受問題無法獲得改善的失望,而青少年則必須接觸許多主動給予協助的人,但這些協助卻帶給青少年無力的感覺。父母嘗試過所有可行的辦法,卻無法改善問題的狀況下,他們開始求助於社會工作者,求助歷程進入共同求助期。 共同求助期的特色是「互動」與「消長」,代表著親子之間透過社工的處遇開始有機會互動,而彼此對於求助的期待與意願也有所消長,父母求助意願越來越低,青少年反而從抗拒轉而接受社工的服務。 最後,根據研究結論,研究者針對社會工作實務、學校及未來學術研究方向提供建議。


This research belongs to qualitative research. It takes the adolescent and their parents as the interviewee and discuss their help-seeking processes when facing parent-child conflicts. The purposes of the research are : (1) Discuss the help-seeking processes of the adolescent and their parents. (2)Discuss the adolescent and their parents’ interaction and connotation during the help-seeking processes. (3)Understand the help-seeking processes from the adolescent’s angle and their parents’ angle. After compressing and organizing the help-seeking processes, we conclude three phases, the period of conflicts, the period of respective help-seeking and the period of mutual help-seeking. Each phase transformation has the important key aspect. The characteristics of the period of conflicts is "the transformation" and "the differentia", which presents the adolescent's transformation and the differential cognition and thoughts between the adolescent and their parents. Adolescent and the parents both have their own opinion while facing the adolescent's changes in behavior, cognition and thoughts and the differentia between them will cause more and more conflicts. When they are aware of the problem, they will start the respective help-seeking period. Incapability and disappointment are the characteristics of the respective help-seeking period. The adolescent and their parents try to seek helpers in their interpersonal networks. During the processes, the parents feel disappointed again and again because the problem is not improved. In the meantime, the adolescent have to contact many helpers but the helps those helpers offered make them felt incapable. Since the problem is not improved after trying all the thinkable ways, the parents start to seek help from the social worker and the seeking-help process comes into the mutual help-seeking period. The characteristics of the mutual help-seeking period are the interaction and the increase and the decrease of the seeking help willing, which represents the parents and adolescent start to have interactions by the intervention of social worker and their willing to seek helps has increased and decreased. The parents have lower and lower willing to seek help, however the adolescent become to accept the service that the social workers offered. Finally, the researcher provides the suggestion in view of the social work practice, the school and the future academic research direction according to the conclusion of the study.


周玉真、蕭文(2003):〈社區諮商個案應用社會網絡之經驗分析〉。《彰化師大輔導學報》,24 ,107-138。


