  • 學位論文


Development of Peer Assessment System- An example of College Students of Management

指導教授 : 呂德財


本研究主要的目的為改善管理科系學生,在學業成績與工作職能間之落差。以大學管理科系之班級為例,引進同儕交互評量之理念,發展一套具評分法及排序法之評量系統。因為管理科系中核心職能,如主動積極、服務導向、團隊合作、持續學習及工作品質等作事態度,或是人際關係與溝通能力等,都很難從學業成績中評量出來。但這些卻是工作職場最被重視的指標。透過同學間之相處與觀察,建立相互評量之機制,可強化學生於日常生活中對核心職能之重視,並持續自我檢視與行為修正。 本系統的主要利用同儕在平日相處時的觀察,用交互的方法達到評量彼此「行為」的效果。本系統之評量方法有評分法及排法,其中排序法可使用於當人數眾多時,所造成不易評量所有同儕的問題。 本系統之特色包括:(1)提供質化評量,給受評者較具體的改善建議。(2)分析出自評與他評之差距,提昇學生的自我覺察。(3)歷史評量分析比較,可以瞭解到學生們改善的成果。(4)檢定學業成績與同儕交互評量結果之差距。(5)跨班級比較各班的評量習性。 藉由過程及結果,來激發學生對於自己「行為」的重視,縮短企業界所需要的職能與大學管理科系教學間的落差。


The main purpose of this study to improve the college students of managerment, academic and work in the gap between the functions. The introduction of peer assessment of the concept of interaction, the development of a score and sort with the assessment system. Because the management department in the core functions, such as proactive, service-oriented, teamwork, continuous learning attitude and work quality, and do whatever, or interpersonal and communication skills, etc., are difficult to assess academic performance in it. But it is the most important workplace indicators. Coexistence between the students and through observation, the establishment of mutual assessment of the mechanism, can enhance the daily life of students in the core functions of attention, and continued self-view and behavior modification. The system of assessment methods score and permutation, where the sort method can be used when a large number, the result difficult to assess all the peer problems. The system features include: (1) provides a qualitative assessment to give the critics more specific recommendations for improvement. (2) The analysis from the evaluation with his assessment of the gaps, to enhance students' self-awareness. (3) history assessment analysis and comparison, students can learn to improve the results. (4) test academic assessment and peer interaction results of the gap. (5) cross-class habit of comparing each class of assessment. By the process and results, to inspire students for their "behavior" of great importance to shorten the required functions of the business management department and university teaching gap between.


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