  • 學位論文


Investigation on the loading rate effect of mechanical property model for polymer thin film during nano scraching test

指導教授 : 廖培凱


本研究針對高分子材料於不同刮痕負載率下的薄膜性質加以探討,所進行之實驗共使用三種不同單體PF、MEH、DB高分子材料,利用旋轉塗佈產生三種不同厚度之薄膜,膜厚大約為幾十nm至幾百nm。經由奈米刮痕實驗,實驗的結果依照側向力與時間之關係、刮痕深度與時間之關係、摩擦係數與時間之關係,分別予以討論。從所獲得的數據,利用線性擬合的方式來得到材料的刮深變化率。由測試結果,可知刮深變化率與薄膜厚度、負載率有關。 希望能經由本研究所建構之理論模型,能更廣泛運用在其他高分子材料薄膜之性能研究。


In this research, the property of polmer thin film on the loading rate effect during nano scraching test is investigated. Three different polymers of monomers (PF, MEH and DB) are tested. The films with three different film thickness, from several dozens to several hundred nm, for each matrial are coated on the glass by using spin-coating. The realationship of lateral force, scratching depth and coefficient of friction with time is discussed by nano-scratching test. The rate of scratching depth is analysed by regression. Consequently, it is clear that the rate of scratching depth is affected by the film thickness and the loading rate. It is hoped that the theoretical model established by this research could be more widely applied to another researches of polymer thin films.


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