  • 學位論文

領導行為與薪酬管理對工作滿意度之影響 -以台灣為例

Influence of Leadership and Compensation Management on Job Satisfaction - A Case Study of Taiwan

指導教授 : 鄧誠中
共同指導教授 : 紀麗秋(Li-Chiu Chi)


近年來,對於企業而言,人力資源終究是必須時時刻刻調整的管理項目,讓每一分資源及成本都發揮到最佳產能,適才適用增強企業核心能力;反觀員工而言,則是一大挑戰,如何讓自己發展成一位符合企業需要之人才,企業員工之留任問題則頻頻出現於人事管理、員工績效滿意,因此本研究對於員工「工作滿意度」進深入了解探討,希望藉由「領導行為」及「薪酬管理」兩層面探究出員工對於「工作滿意度」的看法及解決方式,並冀員工之高「工作滿意度」提升職場上工作效能及企業競爭力。 由於在不同職級的員工對於需求有不同層次的慾望,導致滿足員工需求之條件也會有所不同,馬雲(2013)也曾提過員工離職之緣由『錢,沒給到位』以及『心,委屈了』,因此本研究希望不僅透過薪酬管理明白對於不同職級員工對於薪酬之需求探討,也對於領導行為透視對於不同階層之員工對於心理層面之探究,對於企業人力資源調配及任用上,盼研究結果能於企業經營管理有所貢獻。 本研究藉由線上問卷採集資料,並透過統計系統PASW Statistics進行資料分析,結果顯示領導行為及薪酬管理對於工作滿意度皆呈正向相關,並具有顯著預測能力;針對本研究探討發現,予以提出完整分析結果及結論,並另行提出相關研究建議,以供未來相關領域之研究得以更深入探討。


The research aims to explore the influence of leadership and compensation management on job satisfaction. The research found that there was a significant positive correlation between leadership and compensation management; in addition to leadership, providing rewards for employees appropriately will improve their productivity and competitiveness. There was a significant positive correlation between compensation management and job satisfaction; providing and fulfilling the standards for compensation management will improve job satisfaction and efficiency of employees. There was a significant positive correlation between leadership and job satisfaction; when leaders have a good relationship with employees, employees will get more support and attention, leading to the increase in their job satisfaction. Last, according to the research result, leadership and compensation management positively influenced and significantly forecasted job satisfaction; in other words, leadership and a sound compensation management system can significantly and positively measure job satisfaction and further forecast employment and retention of employees.


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