  • 學位論文


Effect of Security on Traveling Preference with Taipei Rapid Transit System

指導教授 : 馮正民 鍾易詩


國際間的軌道運輸系統恐怖攻擊案件時有所聞,臺北捷運雖尚未發生恐攻,但近年來陸續發生隨機殺人、持刀砍人及其他各類治安事件,然而在運輸保安政策上尚無長遠性的具體發展策略。 本研究目的係透過敘述性偏好法結合問卷調查,以多項羅吉特模式推估旅運者的選擇偏好,探討政策管理意涵。研究發現,臺北捷運使用者的選擇行為受到旅次特性、社會經濟背景、旅運方便性等變數的顯著影響,且對於安全重視程度大於個人隱私與自由,確立安檢措施足得做為未來運輸保安發展策略之一,但因與臺北捷運的旅運方便性相互抵觸,應審慎衡量安檢實施之必要。 整體而言,未來臺北捷運的運輸保安政策發展方向可結合科技執法工具,例如導入人臉辨識技術等新興科技,強化錄影監視系統的使用效能,且應妥適運用維安警力,避免民眾過度揣測處於危險狀態,影響搭乘意願。


Metro / train systems have been targets in several terrorist attacks with uprising trends, notably in recent years. Although “Taipei rapid transit system (Taipei metro)” has yet to be identified as a terrorist target; however, there has been occurrences of security related incidents such as, random killing sprees and knife attacks. Therefore, a transportation security strategy should be developed in place, to tackle any of such future incidents. This study used stated preference method that utilizes qualitive survey combined with multinomial logit model to quantify individuals’ traveling preference with regard to Taipei metro, and explore the implication of security policy. The result indicated significant differences in traveling behavior, demographic characteristics and convenience. From the perspective of passengers, security factor was placed at a higher importance as compared to privacy and liberty factors. Besides, security check can be one of the transportation security strategies, however, it would limit the convenience of Taipei metro, and it should be deemed a necessity before implementation of such strategy. Overall, the future direction of Taipei metro’s transportation security policy could be combined with high-tech law enforcement, such as emerging technology (e.g. “Face recognition”) and higher technological advanced “Closed circuit television”. However, security personnel should not be overused, especially armed police, as it will reduce the intention of taking Taipei metro.


朱蓓蕾(2003),「全球化與中共安全觀:轉變與挑戰」, 中國大陸研究, 第46卷第6期,頁75-108。
