  • 學位論文


Using Six Sigma for Improvement and Administration of Order Process of Semiconductor Sales Department

指導教授 : 沈國碁


本研究系探討如何應用六標準差專案手法之D-M-A-I-C五步驟與工具來改善企業內部流程,試圖達成企業的預期效益,藉此提昇訂單作業流程的速度與流暢,增加客戶服務品質滿意度,加強內部營運管理與外部市場的核心競爭力。 本研究選取國內知名半導體業砷化稼六吋晶圓代工廠為個案公司,以其推動六標準差改善專案為研究對象,透過與相關部門職員訪談蒐集各項相關資料了解企業內部訂單作業流程現況並以六標準差手法與所使用的步驟加以歸納並且與個案公司客戶需求與目標相結合,經過嚴謹的程序來改善流程與降低瑕疵率,藉由此改善能使其在面對產能不足的挑戰的同時也能夠加速訂單流程提升作業的流暢度。研究之目的是希望觀察運用六標準差專案流程改善的方法於訂單作業的流程中,是否能有顯著的效益。故針對個案公司研究歸納分述如下: 壹、界定階段:本研究主要以訂單作業流程為主,定義客戶要求個案公司以最快速度確認訂單狀況與回覆交期。 貳、衡量階段:此階段主要以衡量目前訂單作業流程的流暢度與否,由客戶聲音轉換為關鍵性指標衡量回應客戶速度是否即時或訂單作業流程是否流暢為改善重點進而分析出因訂單流程緩慢或停滯問題導致回應速度慢及交期的延遲。 參、分析階段:分析的結果於個案公司在訂單流程的要因探討找出訂單流程中最常發生延遲的部門與因素後提出改善方針加以控管,試圖縮短訂單作業時間,簡化作業流程,降低其流程的瑕疵率。 肆、改善階段:針對衡量與分析得來的結果,提出系統與管理面的改善與建議。而本研究所提出的改善與建議,是與個案公司相關部門職員討論而得,故其結果將回饋給個案公司。 伍、控制階段:改善後的效益應持續保持進行監控以提供客戶滿意度符合預期的效益。 在經過六標準差五大步驟的分析後,訂單作業流程的預期效益在經過參照文獻資料的歸納與整理進行現況流程的評估與改善後,的確對個案公司將會有極大的幫助。日後若個案公司能夠將此手法納入系統整合架構中,並進一步驗證其實施後的績效,將會有更大的效能。而未來個案公司也可考慮進此管理手法於其他相關流程中加以應用。


六標準差 DMAIC 流程改善


This thesis research how we use five steps of the 6 sigma program “D-M-A-I-C”to improve the internal order process and reach the forecasting profit. According to this program,the order process could be run efficiently and smoothly. We focus on internal business management and marketing competition. Customers will satisfy our service quality. This thesis was studied for our domestic semiconductor enterprice. We visit the sale department of this company and get a lot of useful information. We also realized the internal order process details. So we follow the 6 sigma program to copy into our procedure in order to meet the forecasting purpose and profit. Therefore,it could be reduce the defects and correct quality and procedure. So the researched purpose is for efficience improvement. We described the five steps as below. The first Step: Define – Based on customers’ demand,try to response quickly. The second Step: Measure – To specify if current order process is standard and smooth,then try to find what they have problems. The third step: Analize – After found problems,analize the prime factor and create the method for correction. The forth step: Improve – After measure and analized,excuse the correction and provide helpful suggestion to the company for their reference. The fifth step: Control – After corrected,keep to monitor and maintain the SOP (standard of procedure) for the good service quality. After excused and analized the five steps of 6 sigma program, according to some bibliographer records, We predict the performance of order process will be improved and helpful. We hope if company could use this 6 sigma program and verify the performance for procedure improvement.


6 Sigma DMAIC Process Improvement


18.曾慶毅,6 Sigma 之實務應用方法研究-以飛機零組件維修為例,元智大學工業工程與管理學系碩士論文,2003。
21.張耿通,全面品質管理與六標準差實施方案之比較分析-以台灣地區之企業為例,以台灣地區之企業為例,國立成功大學 EMBA 碩士論文,2003。


