  • 學位論文


Investigation on sludge drying technology - Take a sewage treatment plant in northern Taiwan as example

指導教授 : 張木彬


臺灣地區現行污水處理廠污泥處理多以濃縮、消化、脫水等減量程序後再送入衛生掩埋場進行掩埋處理,惟臺灣目前可作為衛生掩埋場之用地有限,且以掩埋處理脫水污泥之方式容易面臨掩埋場飽和,污泥無處可處置的窘境。下水污泥(Sewage Sludge)為民生污水處理後之衍生物,係為有機污泥之主要來源之一,若未經任何處理,其含水率約為98%,若經一般沉降、壓濾及離心等簡易脫水處理程序後,污泥之含水率可降低至80%~90%之間,若脫水污泥再經乾燥、日曬、水解或熱處理等程序,含水率可再降低。本研究以北部地區某生活污水處理廠為例,將脫水污泥進行污泥乾燥減量,使污泥含水率平均由85.4%降低至5.9%,使污泥含水率平均由85.4%(脫水污泥)降低至5.9%,以140噸/日之脫水污泥處理量計算,經乾燥後整體污泥產出量將減少至22噸/日,未來污泥外運之車次(每車次約20噸)將由原來每日8車次減少至每日1~2車次,亦可有效降低清運途中污染環境的機率,且污泥含水率降低至30%以下時,與濕污泥相較其臭味大幅降低,可減少附近居民排斥廢棄物的臭味逸散問題。另一方面,可將減量污泥送往再利用機構進行資源再利用,其減量污泥含水率可依資源化用途而異。國內污泥委外掩埋場所難覓且處理費用居高不下,不符合經濟效益與形成財務重大負擔,未來生活污水處理後所產污泥必將朝向「減量化」、「資源化」與「再利用」的方向發展,本案例可做為日後為國內其他類似工程之參考。


Various sludge treatment processes including thickening, digestion, and dewatering have been implemented to reduce the amount of sludge to be disposed of. However, due to the lack of landfill capacity and high water content of the dewatered sludge, landfilling is not a good way and better sludge reduction approach should be applied. Sewage sludge, a product of the domestic wastewater treatment process, is the main source of organic sludge. The water content of sludge without treatment is about 98%, and with dewatering process the water content could be reduced to 80-90%. To further reduce the amount of sludge, methods such as sun-drying or heat exchanging could be implemented. This research examines the benefit of sludge drying process for a wastewater treatment plant in Northern Taiwan. The results showed that sludge drying method could reduce water content from 85.4% to 5.9%, thus reduced sludge from 140 tons/day to 22 tons/day. This indicates a significant reduction in sludge transportation from 8 loads to 2 loads daily, meanwhile the odor from the sludge can be eliminated by reducing the water content to below 30%. On the other hand, sludge drying enables recycle for various purposes depending on its water content. The wastewater treatment plant, with benefits from applying the sludge drying process, could set an example for other treatment plants to follow. Thus, the obiectives of reducing the amount of waste, relieving the storage problems of landfills, reducing the pollution from waste transportation and odor, and recycling the sludge for various uses can be achieved.


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