  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 謝敏捷


隨時代演進,「役政」已被賦予新的意義與使命,從早期的為專制帝王鞏固君權,到今日的全民服務之一,役政可謂從制度與政策面上皆有所變遷。目前學術上對役政變遷之討論,已有相當數量的先行研究,然就公共行政領域而言,吾人也能將我國之役政,以相關理論檢視之,並選擇公共行政謀求進步的兩大指標:簡政、便民切入探討。 本研究之簡政、便民基礎,來自公共行政理論中,「新公共行政」與「新公共管理」兩大理念之調和,並以較新穎的「新公共服務」理論為基石,分析我國役政變遷態樣。透過政府文件(如法規)分析、文獻分析,先從外部資料取得對役政變遷的認識,並採用深入訪談法,取得第一線與役政接觸之人員,對此些役政變遷的看法與評論,換言之,在於先從制度面與政策面檢視役政變遷為何,再從執行面檢證此些變遷與新做法有無確實傳遞到基層。 研究發現,從歷史面而言,役政是一個與土地、人口政策高度相關的行政業務,故今日之戶役政資訊整合系統開發建置,其來有自。我國役政在政府遷臺後,除機關組織變革外,主要從民國七十年代開始電腦化、後有徵兵體檢新制之實施、男子服役役期之縮減,乃至替代役實施、全面募兵制之規劃等,主要能歸納出數大方向:役政業務電腦化;加強對役男本身服役條件與權益的照顧;國防角色逐漸轉型為社會服務,而非建置強大武力。就役政工作方法之改革上,不一定對公務人員皆是較為輕鬆,但基層人員就其業務職掌與績效之追求,乃其維持對工作方式變遷的支持動機。惟役政就本質而言,其難以成為政治上受矚目的議題核心,加上國防業務的調整,使役政機關有面臨弱化的危機,然在尚未實施全面募兵制之前,抑或是即將改採「四個月軍事訓練」,凡役男總量未變,則役政機關之負擔,恐隨功能弱化、組織精簡而增。對役男而言,役政變遷的意義在於其對服兵役的期待值不同,從保衛國家轉變為一種人際關係歷練,就役政作業而言,役男已不至於感受到不便,對兵役是否阻礙其生涯規劃而言,既為法定義務,則不至於有所抗拒。


體檢 役男 戶役政 兵役 役政


The role and implications of conscription in Taiwan has changed dramatically from the purpose of protection for authorities to a mode of public service provision. This study employs theories on public administration to examine if the practice of conscription, an aspect of governmental administrative behavior, is undergoing changes through administrative streamlining for public convenience. Two contrastive concepts form the theoretical basis of this research: New Public Administration (NPA) and New Public Management (NPM). New Public Service (NPS) has recently been proposed in accordance with these concepts. This research examines the NPS concept to provide the dimensions of analysis. Documentary analysis and in-depth interviews are the main methods applied in this research. Documents and literature indicate the changes in Taiwan’s conscription practices in terms of institutional and policy aspects; however, interviewees’ viewpoints indicate how changes in the practice are evaluated by street-level public servants and citizens. The results show that the conscription policy is strongly related to land, population, and household policies. This explains the formulation of the Household Registration and Conscription Information System. The new rules—physical examination of draftees, implementation of the Substitute Military Service, shortening of the military service period, and reconfiguration of conscription units—are the major recent changes. Though they face the stress of adapting to new techniques, street-level bureaucrats seem to accept such changes. However, conscription units may be downsized owing to their “neutral politics” character. That is, the state has few political incentives to strengthen conscription units. In fact, the workload of street-level bureaucrats in charge of conscription becomes heavier because the total number of potential draftees and administrative tasks has not yet decreased. Nowadays, most citizens view military service as a learning experience rather than a national defensive mission. Most interviewees evaluate their contact with the bureaucrats relatively neutrally as military service is mandatory.


何明光,2007,《從商業倫理探討臺灣BOT 之制度—以臺灣高鐵案為例》,桃園:國立中央大學哲學研究所碩士在職專班碩士論文
