  • 學位論文


A Study of the Impacts of Social Care from Entrepreneurs on the Values of Children in Poor Families.

指導教授 : 艾昌瑞


許多大型企業以企業社會責任提升自身價值,擺脫獲利取向之經營理念並同時對社會作出貢獻,而中小企業不僅不讓大型或國際企業在CSR的領域專美於前,更進一步以各式各樣的創意,在日常生活中踐行自己的企業社會責任,在社會公益項下,許多中小企業家選擇參與社福團體對弱勢家庭提供社會關懷的扶助,相對於一般企業直接捐款弱勢家庭,不僅濟貧更設法讓弱勢家庭擺脫弱勢循環,進而脫離弱勢狀況成為自強家庭。 因此,本研究透過文獻探討形成本研究的理論基礎,在資料收集與分析方法上,採用質性研究之多元個案研究法,以深度訪談為主,並輔以觀察法和次級資料文件分析來進行資料蒐集,最後以主題方式呈現其意涵。 研究目的分為三部份,以五位企業家的五個輔導個案分別探討。(一)企業家對弱勢家庭所提供的社會關懷對孩童價值觀的影響;(二)企業家介入弱勢家庭的社會關懷對弱勢家庭父母價值觀所產生的影響;(三)企業家參與關懷弱勢家庭的動機以及履行企業社會責任對自身企業經營理念的影響。 研究結果發現:弱勢家庭孩童在家長缺乏正確行為與價值觀的情況下,對於他們的行為認知發展,較會出現不正確的學習,而導致偏差行為的產生。企業家參與弱勢家庭社會關懷以企業經營的經驗來輔導弱勢家庭管理缺失,面對個案家庭的各種狀況,利用長期的關懷輔導評估、分析、對應與修正為快速而有效的輔導策略,可有效影響弱勢家庭價值觀,進而影響偏差行為孩童價值觀。 本研究突顯企業參與社福團體能夠帶給這群弱勢家庭兒童的功用,及企業參與社福團體的價值跟意義。


Many enterprises promote their business status and reputation by committing to corporate social responsibility (CSR) . It’s not only a good way to improve the quality of life of the workforce, families, local community and society at large, but also to get rid of the image of profit-oriented business philosophy. By implementing CSR with variety of creativity, such as, participating in social welfare organization, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) manage to surpass large-sized or international cooperation in the field of CSR. Entrepreneurs of SMEs choose to provide social care directly to help families in poverty out of vulnerable situations and turn into self-independent ones while large-sized enterprises typically make donations only. This qualitative multi-cases study investigates the impacts of social care provided by entrepreneurs on the values of children living in poverty. Accompanied with secondary data analysis and home visiting, face-to-face interviews were conducted with 5 SMEs entrepreneurs using semi-structured interview questions to gain an in-depth understanding of their commitments of social care to the poor families. The findings of this research are presented as follows: a. Values of children in poverty are influenced significantly during the process of the social care provided by SMEs entrepreneurs. b. Values of parents in poverty are influenced by the social care which SMEs entrepreneurs provide to those poor families. c. The commitments in CSR and implementations of social care programs have positive influence on the values of SMEs entrepreneurs. The findings of this research indicate that under the circumstances of parents’ lacking correct values and knowledge, the cognitive development of children in poor families tents to lead a deviant behavior. However, through long-term social care programs provided by social welfare institutions, SMEs entrepreneurs based on managerial experiences in business operation and effective counseling strategy can help those families to improve their poor situations as well as positively change those children’s values for the better. Accordingly, this study highlights the different meanings and values of CSR conducted by SMEs entrepreneurs through participating in long-term social care programs, and the functions of CSR they bring to those children in the poor families.


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