  • 學位論文


A Study of Language Ecology of the Wenling Community of the Chinese Wu Dialect

指導教授 : 何德華


語言的瀕危和消亡是一個世界性的現象。一種語言的興衰往往取決於其對所處生態環境中各種威脅的適應能力和調節能力。鑒於此,本文以吳語溫嶺話為研究對象,探究其語言生態現狀,以期對城鎮化背景下的方言瀕危和方言保護有所啟示。本研究通過綜合運用多種研究方法,主要回答以下3個問題:1、吳語溫嶺話語言內生態系統表現出何種特徵?2、吳語溫嶺話語言外生態系統表現出何種特徵?3、吳語溫嶺話語言生態系統屬於何種類型?如何採取有效的語言規畫手段使其永續發展? 研究結果如下: 問題1:語言內生態研究主要關注語言本體和語言變化兩個議題。吳語溫嶺話原本保留了較多中古漢語的語言要素,與漢語普通話的可溝通度遠低於80%。這表明兩種語言間差異明顯,很難進行有效溝通。同時,受漢語普通話影響,吳語溫嶺話的一些特色語言現象正在消失,越來越朝著普通話的特徵發展,其中詞彙變化最快,語音和句法則相對較慢。 問題2:語言外生態研究主要關注語言能力、語言選擇和和語言態度三個議題。受試者的溫嶺話母語能力良好,能滿足基本的日常所需。對於某些特色語言文化現象,青年群體和中年群體的掌握則不如老年群體。溫嶺話在各個社會語域中都有被使用。在低階語域中,溫嶺話使用較廣,在高階語域中則使用有限。受試者對於溫嶺話的語言態度較理性。他們認可溫嶺話在心理情感和區域內交際功能上的優勢,卻否定其在社會地位上的優勢。 問題3:吳語溫嶺話的語言生態類型為“可持續的口語”類型。但是,在與漢語普通話的競爭過程中,其語言生態環境有惡化的趨勢,主要表現在方言特色流失、語言地位削弱,語言情感降低三個方面。針對其發展趨勢,文章認為應該要採取有效語言規畫手段,從語言本體保護、語言地位保護和語言情感保護三個角度來使其更好發展。


Language endangerment and language death are common phenomena in the world. The vitality of a language is determined by its adaptability and adjustment ability to the threats in its ecological environment. In order to shed some lights on the dialect endangerment and dialect protection in the urbanization process of contemporary society, this study takes the Wenling speech community of the Wu language as an example study and investigates its language ecology. By applying multiple linguistic methods, this study intends to answer the following three questions: 1. What is the internal language ecology of the speech community? 2. What is the external language ecology of the speech community? 3. How is the current language use and language attitude of the speech community classified in the scale of language vitality and what language planning methods are necessary to ensure healthy development of the ecology of language? The results of this study are as follows: Question 1: The study of internal language ecology is focused on language features and language change. The Wenling Wu language has preserved many language features of the old Chinese and its intelligibility score with Mandarin Chinese is far below 80%. It means these two languages are so different that they can hardly communicate with each other. Meanwhile, by the influence of Mandarin Chinese, some of the distinctive features of the Wenling Wu language are disappearing and it shows more similarities with Mandarin Chinese now. In this process, vocabulary changes fast, while phonology and syntax change slowly. Question 2: The external language ecology is focused on language proficiency, language choice and language attitude. All of the participants had good language proficiency and could use the Wu language to fulfill their basic needs in daily life. However, some of the young generation and adult generation had poor knowledge on cultural words. In terms of diglossia, the Wenling Wu language is widely used as the low variety in daily life while Mandarin Chinese serves as the high variety. The Wenling people have a rational attitude on their mother tongue. Comparing with Mandarin Chinese, Wenling Wu was evaluated high on psychological emotion and communicative function and low on its social status. Question 3: The vitality of the Wenling Wu language can be classified as “sustainable spoken”. However, with the competition of Mandarin Chinese, it still reveals some endangerment features from the cross-sectional perspective, such as the loss of distinctive language features, the decrease of social status and the weakening of the speakers’ emotional attachment to the language. In order to deal with its potential endangerment, this study proposes to apply language planning methods to ensure healthy development. Some of the effective language planning methods are provided.


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