  • 學位論文


Development of Information System use on Tennis Matches recording

指導教授 : 何正斌


現階段網球比賽大多以紙本記錄選手之比賽表現,然而紙本僅能做簡易的記錄,不僅無法即時地提供相關數據及自動彙整出重要關鍵績效指標,更無法系統性地保存大量比賽資訊及數據。因此本研究結合Android app與MySQL資料庫,開發一套網球比賽記錄資訊系統,其目的為取代舊有紙本記錄的方式,更可將數據存入資料庫中,使資料得以完整保存。透過行動裝置記錄選手於網球比賽時發球、接發、來回及上網情況等相關關鍵數據,並即時提供分析資訊予使用者,以便使用者能於賽前、賽中及賽後即時得知選手情況。


Most tennis games use paper to record players’ performance. However, recorded paper can only make simple record and the important performance index cannot calculate and aggregate on time. Furthermore, recorded paper cannot store and retrieve systematically with massive data. Hence, the study adopted Android APP and MySQL database to develop a data recorded information system in tennis matches. The system can store data in the database and retrieve easily. Using tablet to record key data such as serve, received, rally and volley and provide analysis instantly. So, the user can know players condition pre-match, during-match and after-match.


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