  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 余伍洲


本研究以健康老人的需求觀點,參考相關文獻資料整理出適合其居住外部環境區位考量因素及因素權重,再應用地理資訊系統之空間分析功能,規劃位在都會區,適合老人居住之區域,以符合健康及生活可自理之高齡者需求,並滿足其健康性、安全性、便利性及寧適性之居住環境。 經參考相關文獻資料歸納顯示:老人居住外部環境區位考量項目首重保健醫療設施、其次生活機能、休閒育樂設施、最後為鄰避設施;因素部分前五項首重急救責任醫院,其次市場/超市、衛生所/診所、公園及車站等設施,鄰避設施部分其嫌惡程度依序為殯葬設施、鐵路/主要幹道及加油站等設施。後續應用 GIS 空間分析之環域分析、重分類分析、網格計算,找出屏東市適合老人居住之候選區域,再以各候選區所涵蓋設施數目比較分析及驗證得到最適合老人居住區域;結果顯示A候選區(由勝利東路、廣東路、中華路及自由路所圍成的區塊)為最適宜老人居住區域,區域內無論保健醫療、生活機能及休閒育樂等設施服務範圍幾乎可完全涵蓋此區域,其可符合老人住宅區位相關規劃原則並滿足高齡者需求。


This research is based on view points for demands from healthy elderly and refers to relevant literature to arrange consideration factor and factor weight about outside environment location that is suitable for living. It combines Spatial Analysis of Geographic Information System to map out suitable living areas for the elderly in the cities which can meet the requirements for healthy and independent elderly. The living environment should also satisfy healthy, secure, convenient and comfortable needs. With reference to the relevant literature, the results reveal that the most important factor of outside environment location for elderly is medical facilities. The next is life function and recreational facilities, and the last is NIMBY (Not-In-My-Backyard) facilities. About the factors, the first five items are emergency hospitals, markets/ supermarkets, health centers/ clinics, parks and stations. About NIMBY facilities, according its level of aversion are funeral facilities, rail ways/ main roads and gas stations. Later, use the Spatial analyses of GIS including Buffer Analysis、Reclassify Analysis and Raster Calculator to find out the possible areas which are suitable for elderly housing in Pingtung City. Then, use the comparison analysis and verification of numbers of facilities in each possible area to find the most suitable area for elderly housing. The result shows that Area A (Block enclosed by road to Shengli East Road, Guangdong Road, Zhonghua Road and Ziyou Road) is the most suitable area for elderly housing. In its area, it covers with medical facilities, life function and recreational facilities. It can meet the relevant planning principles and the needs of senior citizens.


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Cho, T. L. (2017). 台灣半導體企業社會責任之內部與外部影響 [doctoral dissertation, Chung Yuan Christian University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201700146
