  • 學位論文

國中技藝課程對中輟生生涯規劃影響之研究: 以屏東縣飛夢林學園為例

The Influence of Vocational Training Courses on Dropout Students’ Career Planning: A Case Study of Family School in Pingtung County

指導教授 : 廖婉鈞


摘 要 學號:M10670014 論文名稱:國中技藝課程對中輟生生涯規劃影響之研究: 以屏東縣飛夢林學園為例 總頁數:101 頁 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 所別:技術及職業教育研究所 畢業時間及摘要別:107 學年度第 2 學期碩士學位論文摘要 研究生:游雅麗 指導教授:廖婉鈞博士 論文摘要: 本研究旨在探討屏東縣飛夢林學園實施國中技藝課程的內容以及中輟生對於飛夢林學園所提供的技藝課程的看法與態度,並進一步探究國中技藝課程對中輟生生涯規劃之影響。 本研究採個案研究方法,立意取樣六位個案學生,以半結構式訪談和文獻分析等方式收集資料。 研究結果與結論如下: 壹、飛夢林學園以適性教育的理念設計技藝課程,致力於激發個案學生的學習動機並重回校園。 貳、個案學生對技藝課程的看法與態度皆為正向肯定,普遍認同技藝教育課程內容以及技藝教師之專業,自認技藝課程能增進其學習動機,使投入於技藝競賽,從中獲得成就感,提升自我價值感。 叁、技藝課程提供多元職群課程讓學生探索,鼓勵學生發掘自身興趣及喜好科系,協助確立生涯方向並拓展其進路,對個案學生的生涯規劃皆大有助益。 最後本研究根據研究結果對技藝課程與生涯輔導課程提供相關建議,以期協助中輟生重返校園,找到自己的人生方向。 關鍵字:國中技藝課程、中輟生、生涯規劃、飛夢林學園


Abstract Student ID: M10670014 Title of Thesis: The Influence of Vocational Training Courses on Dropout Students’ Career Planning: A Case Study of Family School in Pingtung County Total Pages:101 Department/Graduate Institute:National Pingtung University of Science and Technology,Graduate Institute of Technological and Vocational Education Date of Graduation:July, 2019 Degree Conferred: Master Name of Student:Ya-Li Yu Advisor:Dr. Wan-Chun Liao Abstract The objective of this study was to review the middle school vocational courses of Family Youth Center in Pingtung and provide some views and comments of dropouts toward these courses, to further investigate its impact on the career planning of the dropout students. This research employed case study method by sampling six individual students to collect data via semi-structured interview and literature review. The study result and conclusion were as follows: 1. The Family Youth Center adopts the adaptive teaching as the fundamental concept in the design of these vocational courses in committing to motivate individual students to return to school. 2. These students held positive view and attitude toward these vocational courses and generally believed the content and professionalism of teachers involved. They believed these vocational courses did indeed motivate them to learn and participate in vocational competition to gain a sense of achievement and improve self-worthiness. 3. The vocational program provided multi-disciplinary courses for students and encourages them to discover their own interest and preference. It would also assist students in career planning and progress, which was extremely beneficial to individual students in their career life. Lastly, based on the study result, the research would propose some relevant suggestions for the vocational courses and career counseling, in order to help dropout students in returning to school and find their own life direction again. Keywords: Middle school vocational courses; Dropout; Career planning; Family Youth Center


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