  • 學位論文


An Application of Data Analysis on Admission Strategy for a University of Technology in Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳民枝 陳同孝


近年來,臺灣人口生育率急遽下降,社會人口結構出現少子女化的型態,加上政府教育政策的開放,使大專院校數量大幅增加,導致招生情形日趨嚴重,大專校院數量的減少跟不上生源的逐年驟減,招生名額大幅成長及就讀學生人數減少的影響,對各大專校院已形成供過於求的窘境,各校如何擬定合適的招生策略,利用有限的招生資源及各科系專業特色來吸引學生就讀,成為重要課題。 本研究以中部地區某私立科技大學為例,依招生宣導方式及學生入學人數,透過皮爾森相關係數進行比對與分析,進而瞭解兩者間是否有明確的相關性,同時運用視覺化分析工具呈現分析結果,並建置一個平臺讓使用者得以更有效率的對資料做各種查詢與探索,以協助學校制定有利的招生策略,運用適當的行銷策略宣揚學校辦學理念,達成開拓學生來源以提高學校招生率,終至創造學校最大的整體效益與永續發展為目標。


In recent years, the rapid decline in the fertility rate has resulted in sub-replacement fertility in the population structure. The phenomenon is coupled with the loosening of government education policies which brought about a dramatic increase of tertiary institutions. The substantial growth of admission quota and the decrease in student numbers have led to the predicament of oversupply. It is therefore of primary importance for universities to draw up appropriate recruitment strategies, using various resources and features to attract potential students. This study, by means of Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient of data exploration, analyzed the promotional strategies and the admission statistics of a technology university in central Taiwan. The results were displayed using visual analysis software, and a platform was designed to enable effective access to information. The purpose was to determine advantageous recruitment and promotional strategies that universities may adopt to improve enrollment rates. The final goal is to create the school's best interests and sustainable development.


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