  • 學位論文

「Next Generation」漢字HUI視覺設計

「Next Generation」: Media Works about Chinese HUI Design

指導教授 : 許永洲


隨著科技的日新月異,近幾年在許多影像作品中開始可以看到各式各樣對於未來生活的不同詮釋,在近幾年眾多關於未來表現的科技元素中又以HUI的表現最為讓人驚艷。 由於數位資訊皆是建立於以英文為主體的程式語言之上,再加上我們常見的商業電影多是由西方國家所創作,所以我們在影像作品中所能見到對於虛擬UI都是較為符合西方設計文化思維,除了少部分日本科幻動畫作品中會見到較具有日本風格的漢字HUI設計之外,我們幾乎不曾在實拍影像作品上見到具有東方文化的設計創作。 本論文內容為一作品創作論述,探討日本科幻動畫中對於具有東方文化虛擬UI介面設計的範例,並且加以統整之後,以民國111年於臺灣的時空背景設定,借用一假想未來科技通訊設備在一位年輕教師私人生活以及工作現場的描寫,以及展現一些以漢字為基礎的HUI設計,經勘景、拍攝及後製加工,透過公開展演的方式發表作品。


As the technology has progressed, we can see various interpretations of our future lives from many works of images in recent years. Among the numerous technology elements, the work of HUI is the most impressive one these years. Because the digital data are all based on programming language, English as the main, also, most of the commercial movies are made by western countries, the works of images as we can see for virtual UI are designed to fit the western cultural thinking. We have almost never seem the works of photos representing the eastern cultural design ,except the few Japanese fictional animated works could see that Chinese character, HUI designed, more tends to be in the Japanese style. In this thesis of creative discourse, the Japanese fictional animations, possessing the eastern cultural fictional UI designed interface sample, will be discussed. After integrating, writing a story about a young teacher's life and work in 2022 at Taiwan. By using a future product to describe the story about the life of future, the animations will be presented by the design of HUI, based on Chinese characters, also advertised by the commercials of promotion of fictional future products and the issue, and the Video played in public space.


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黃煒仁 (2011). 漢字美術字文字造形設計於海報創作
劉妃圜 (2008). 臺灣少子化趨勢下的對策—日本經驗的啟發.
許茂青 (2006). 智慧型PDA融入國民中學自然與生活科技領域教學之行動研究
教育部重編國語辭典修訂本, 瀏覽日期 12.13,2011
