  • 學位論文

國軍績效評核制度對升遷公平影響之研究 – 以陸軍某軍團為例

The effect of performance evaluation scheme on promotion fairness – Anexample of Army

指導教授 : 林文祥


本研究主要在探討國軍績效評核制度對國軍人員升遷公平影響,要如何在職缺愈來愈少的情況下,有一套公平的升遷機制,進而激勵每一位國軍幹部努力的在每一個工作崗位上,有效且積極的工作,讓每一位國軍幹部都對自己的未來有所期待,而如何讓每一個國軍幹部知道現行的晉升制度是公平且公開的。 研究結果發現受測軍官幹部,大部分對於現行基本資績分,都達一定的了解,爾且認為基本資績分評量項目的配比有改進修訂的空間;並且研究發現國軍幹部隨著「階級」的增長,受過不同階段的教育、歷練過不同類別的職務之後,遇到問題解決的方式也會有所不同,所以研究各問項之中,受測結果在「階級」有最顯著的差異存在。


The research is to discuss how national army’s performance appraisal ruleaffects the equity of individual promotion and how to establish a fair promotion program in less work vacancy in the army so that each of soldiers can foresee their future and having expectation to their career, it can therefore encourage them work harder and effectively in their position. It is very important for the future entire national army’s organization planning and boost morale in the army on how to make every individual soldier understanding the currentpromotion rule is fair and opened. The research discovered that most of tested cadres in the army have basic understanding of current basic ownedcredits evaluation and they believe there’s a big space to improve the ratio percentage of the appraisal items. It is also discovered that as the “grade” improved, they have different way to solve the problem as they have advanced education and also have experienced different job in the army. Therefore, in each questions that have been asked to the cadres in the army, it is“grade”in the testing result have biggest differences.


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