  • 學位論文


Analytical hierarchy process of the optimal policy for recycling organic waste in the fruit and vegetable market of Taichung City

指導教授 : 白子易


台灣地區每年約產生70萬公噸以上之果菜市場廢棄物,然而較大型的63家批發市場約佔5分之1,其產生約40~50萬公噸的果菜廢棄物 (約交易量之25%)。目前各地果菜市場之廢棄物多數由委外民間清運公司送至當地焚化爐處理,至於有機廢棄物分類與否也是由委外清運公司決定。因此本研究以台中市果菜市場為主要對象,並藉由層級分析法去討論有機廢棄物分類後在經濟、技術、法規制度、社會觀感等之可行性,已建立果菜批發市場廢棄物之有效再利用,尋求出更佳之替代方案。 研究首先經由文獻探討建構前測問卷,並採用 Likert 五尺度量表的問卷題項(五個等級表示強弱分別為:非常不重要、不重要、普通、 重要、非常重要),進行題項的修編,初步的分析要素準則,對準則進行增刪、修改的動作,彙整、歸納後建立果菜市場有機廢棄回收最佳化政策之層級架構,共有5個評估要素及20項評估要素準則,再據以編製AHP之相對權重調查問卷;經由分析並找出一致性之共同觀點,綜合整理而獲致研究結果,以利相關單位在推動果菜市場有機廢棄回收最佳化政策之參考。茲將本研究分析之結果論述如下: 在目的層下的目的層之各指標分析結果:認為最重要的為「法規與制度面」(0.366),次重要為「經營與輔導面」(0.314),第三重要為「技術層面」(0.187)最後為『社會層面』(0.134)。 在法規與制度層面分析結果:「環保署公告有機廢棄物分類之相關規範」(0.317)為最重要,「清運合約需規定清運公司進行有機分類」(0.251)次之,接著為「果菜市場管委會制定相關措施」(0.239),最後為「農業法規之修改」(0.193) 在經營與輔導面分析結果:「實施有機分類對處理成本之影響」(0.293)為最重要,「環保單位整合上下游廠商」(0.269)次之,接著為「農委會對有機肥生產銷售之補助」(0.250),最後為「有機肥料生產業者營運情況」(0.187)。 在技術層面分析結果:「清運公司設備與果菜市場現有條件」(0.335)為最重要,「有機廢棄物是否適合製造有機肥」(0.244)次之,接著為「堆肥成品之品質」(0.241),最後為「堆肥流程之操作及人員素質」(0.180)。 在社會層面分析結果:「整體經濟發展之效益」(0.330)為最重要,「民眾對有機肥製造廠接受度」(0.288)次之,接著為「農民支持有機肥並使用」(0.235),最後為「有機肥推廣之觀念宣導與綠色採購」(0.147)。 經由排序分析結果之準則整體權重值及排序,本問卷整體有效問卷認為最優先重視的前5項準則依序為「環保署公告有機廢棄物分類之相關規範」(0.108)、「實施有機分類對處理成本之影響否」(0.101)、「清運合約需規定清運公司進行有機分類」(0.093)、「果菜市場管委會制定相關措施」(0.092)及「農委會對有機肥生產銷售之補助」(0.080),其中「環保署公告有機廢棄物分類之相關規範」在「學者專家」、「縣市環保局」群列為最重要的而「實施有機分類對處理成本之影響」在「環保業界」、「果菜市場」群列為最重要的;。由此,我們將可發現,學者官員普遍認為在推動新的政策以法規與制度去規範與限制,讓政策順利推行並使其相關單位有法源依據才是最重要的。而業界人士則是以營利為導向,認為不增加資本又能節省成本自然就會去實施與遵守了。


The reuse of waste is the policy of government. The Taiwan Environmental protection Administration (TEPA) formulated the “Waste Disposal Plan” in 2003 to promote “zero waste” and to launch the policy of “waste minimization and resource recovery” in which green manufacturing, green consumption, source minimization, resource recovery, and reuse were promoted. These measures effectively recycled wastes and achieved zero waste gradually. More than 70 tons of organic wastes from fruit and vegetable market are produced every day in Taiwan. Among these, larger 63 markets produce 40 to 50 tons of fruit and vegetable wastes. Currently, the organic wastes from fruit and vegetable markets are carried by contract companies which send these wastes to incinerator plants. But it depends on the contract companies whether the organic wastes are classified or not. This research mainly discussed the measures of how to effectively recycle the organic wastes from fruit and vegetable markets in Taiwan. First, literatures including the classification of organic wastes on economy, technology, and present law were collected to design the first stage questionare. The first stage questionares were filled up and screened by the experts in accordance with Likert test. Consequently, the second stage questionare was designed based on the results from the first stage survey. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) was employed to analyze the weights of second stage questionares. The results indicated that the four major indicators for effectively recycling the organic wastes from fruit and vegetable markets were in the order: the aspect of law and system, the aspect of operation and assistance, the aspect of technology and the aspect of society. Their weights were 0.366, 0.314, 0.187 and 0.134, respectively. These four factors were the key factors that affected the performance for recycling the organic wastes from fruit and vegetable markets. It will be easy to recycle the organic wastes from fruit and vegetable markets if regarding these four factors.


1.行政院環境保護署 http://www.epa.gov.tw/
4.行政院農委會 http://www.coa.gov.tw
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21.李文崇,「垃圾減量政策及效益研究-以桃園縣為例」,碩士論文,元智大學機械工程學,桃園 (2003)。


