  • 學位論文


Using Analytic Hierarchy Process to Evaluate the Priority for Reducing Roadside Noise

指導教授 : 白子易


由於近年來台灣地區的交通道路系統越來越便利,尤其在都市中人口密度高、土地不敷使用,道路往往緊鄰著住宅,所產生之道路噪音常常使沿線居民怨聲載道,加上國人的環保意識及生活品質高漲對居家環境之安寧需求甚嚴。交通道路係非常重要而不可偏廢的,如何兩全其美,降低交通道路,能讓住戶在室內或室外不受噪音的干擾,是大家所期盼的。本研究主要應用AHP理論,進行專家學者、縣市環保局、行車民眾、住宅民眾等,對於評估降低道路噪音之重要性調查,經由整理分析找出一致性之共同觀點,綜合整理而獲得研究結果,以作為政府在評估降低道路噪音時之參考。研究者透過相關的文獻探討,歸納整理相關的評估要素,採用Likert五尺度量表的題項設計調查問卷,統計結果,進行平均數與標準差分析,最後採用平均數4以上的16點題項為要素準則,完成「評估降低道路噪音之層級架構」,並以此編製AHP相對權重調查問卷。問卷回收後,透過一致性檢定篩檢有效問卷,以控制結果的可信度,藉由層級分析法之成對比較過程,獲得準則間的相對重要性權重值,建立權重體系,以提供相關單位有參考價值之訊息。本研究分析之結果如下: 一、 評估要素層,整體專家認為最重要的要素依序為:「建設層面」(0.336)、「法規與制度層面」(0.329)、「技術層面」(0.077)、「環境與教育輔導層面」(0.180)、「政府應積極維護道路之修繕」(0.155)。 二、 在「法規與制度層面」下要素準則層,整體專家認為最重要的準則依序為:「透過行政措施將現行法例予以落實」(0.303)為最重要,次重要為「加強民眾通報後的修繕速度」(0.252),頗重要是「確實研擬實施政策時所採用的準則」(0.211),稍重要為「擬定限制禁止重型車輛行駛某些路段」(0.127),最後為「加強取締改裝之汽機車」(0.108)。 三、 在「環境與教育輔導層面」下要素準則層,整體專家認為最重要的準則依序為:「政府應重視道路噪音等問題」(0.321)為最重要,次重要為「教導良好的行車習慣」(0.224),頗重要是「提倡行車間的禮讓,盡量減少按喇叭」(0.169),稍重要為「重視道路噪音對生態環境的衝擊」(0.146),最後為「應積極開發更優良的低噪音鋪面」(0.135)。 四、 在「建設層面」下要素準則層,整體專家認為最重要的準則依序為:「應審慎規劃預防新建道路的噪音問題」(0.365)為最重要,次重要為「研擬在噪音傳播途中設置隔音牆」(0.309),頗重要是「政府應積極維護道路之修繕」(0.243),最後為「擬定道路與建築物之間保留適當的間隔距離」(0.085)。 五、 在「技術層面」下要素準則層,整體專家認為最重要的準則依序為:「應審慎規劃預防新建道路的噪音問題」(0.365)為最重要,次重要為「研擬在噪音傳播途中設置隔音牆」(0.309),頗重要是「政府應積極維護道路之修繕」(0.243),最後為「擬定道路與建築物之間保留適當的間隔距離」(0.085)。 六、 要素準則整體權重前5項準則依序為「透過行政措施將現行法例予以落實」(0.174)、「政府應重視道路噪音等問題」(0.171)、「加強道路的施工品質,鋪面需均勻且壓實」(0.077)、「教導良好的行車習慣」(0.076)、「政府應積極維護道路之修繕」(0.073)。


In recent years, transportation systems in Taiwan have grown more convenient; however, in cities with high population density and limited land, the roads are constructed close to the residential buildings, and the residents tend to complain about road noise. As the public is increasingly demanding regarding better quality of life and environmental consciousness, the tranquility of residential environments grows in importance. However, transportation is equally important. Therefore, how to achieve a win-win situation, namely, reducing road noise, is an important topic. This study applied the Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP) theory to investigate the opinions of experts, scholars, city/county environmental bureaus, drivers, and the public regarding the importance of decreased road noise. It further analyzed the data to identify a consistent view, and reported the findings as a reference for government to assess the decrease of road noise. Based on literature review, this study reorganized the related factors, and designed a questionnaire based on a Likert 5-point scale. The data were analyzed with average mean and standard deviations. The “hierarchical framework of assessment on decreased road noise” was constructed based on 16 items, with means of over 4, and an AHP relative weight questionnaire was designed. After collecting the questionnaires, consistency testing was conducted to select the valid samples in order to control the reliability of the results. Upon pairwise comparison of the AHP, this study acquired the relative importance weights, and constructed a weighted system to serve as reference for related organizations. Analytical results of this study are shown below: 1. At the level of ”assessment factors”, the experts suggest the most critical factors are: “construction” (0.336), “regulation and system” (0.329), “technique” (0.077), “environment and education” (0.180), and “government should actively maintain road repairs” (0.155). 2. At the level of “regulation and system”, the experts suggest that the most critical criteria are: “carrying out current regulations by administrative measures” (0.303), “enhancing the repair efficiency after public reports” (0.252), “precisely planning criteria for implementing policies” (0.211), “planning of the ban against heavy-duty vehicles on some roads” (0.127), and “enhancing the ban on re-equipped automobiles and motorcycles” (0.108). 3. At the level of “environment and education”, the experts suggest that the most critical criteria are: “government should pay attention to road noise” (0.321), “education of good driving habits” (0.224), “encouraging driving manners and avoiding horn blowing” (0.169), “to pay attention to the impact of road noise on the environment” (0.146), and “actively developing better pavement with low noise” (0.135). 4. At the level of “construction”, the experts suggest that the most critical criteria are: “precisely planning noise prevention on newly constructed roads” (0.365), “planning the construction of acoustic walls on the paths of noise transmission” (0.309), “government should actively maintain road repairs” (0.243), and “maintain a proper distance between the roads and buildings” (0.085). 5. At the level of “technique”, the experts suggest that the most critical criteria, in order, are: “precisely planning noise prevention on newly constructed roads” (0.365), “planning the construction of acoustic walls on the paths of noise transmission” (0.309), “government should actively maintain road repairs” (0.243), and “maintain proper distance between the roads and buildings” (0.085). 6. The top five criteria of overall weights are in the order, as below: “carrying out current regulations by administrative measures” (0.174), “government should pay attention to road noises” (0.171), “reinforcing construction quality of roads; the pavement should be even and precisely pressed” (0.077), “education of good driving habits” (0.076), and “government should actively maintain road repairs” (0.073).


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