  • 學位論文


The Influence of Coaching Leadership on Organization Commitment

指導教授 : 劉興郁


推動企業組織邁向卓越的力量,除了來自於員工願意為組織本身付出多少努力與忠誠,更重要的是,領導者願意為員工的發展付出與投入多少。員工為組織付出的程度取決於組織承諾的高低,追究影響組織承諾高低的原因,來自於領導者的領導型態,而教練型領導者與部屬間存在著相輔相成的關係,本研究認為企業領導者若能藉由轉型為教練的角色,影響員工對於組織的認同與投入,如此相輔相成,以獲致個人或組織的成功,乃是目前各企業所需關注的焦點。 本研究目的是探討教練型領導與組織承諾之影響,並以大專院校一般組運動員為研究對象,總計發出133份,有效回收率為100%,並採用SPSS統計軟體為統計分析工具,經過分析之後,其研究結果發現如下: 1.教練型領導與組織承諾具有顯著關聯。 2.不同個人屬性對教練型領導具有顯著差異。 3.不同個人屬性對組織承諾具有顯著差異。


The force that promotes business organizations toward excellence comes not only from the employees’ willingness to pay their efforts and loyalty to the organizations but more importantly, how much the leaders are willing to pay and commit for the development of the employers. How much commitment employers are willing to pay for the organizations depend on the level of commitment by the organizations. To investigate the factors that influence the level of commitment by the organizations, mostly come from the leadership of the heads. Coaching leadership focuses on the complementary relationship between leaders and subordinates. This study believes that if business leaders can transform themselves into a trainer type, they can influence employers’ recognition and commitment toward the organizations, with this complementary relationship, success of the individual and organization can be achieved, and it is the focus of attention that all enterprises are concerned about currently. Purpose of this study is to investigate influences that coaching leadership and organization commitment can bring, the research subjects are general group athletes of colleges, 133 questionnaires were distributed with 100% of overall response rate. SPSS statistical software was adopted as statistical analysis tool. We have the following findings in the research result: 1.There is significant difference in coaching leadership to organization commitment. 2.There is significant difference in different individual to coaching leadership. 3.There is significant difference in different individual to organization commitment.


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