  • 學位論文


Assessment of the Priorities of Sustainable Campus Promotion in Elementary School by Analytical Hierarchy Process

指導教授 : 白子易


人類自工業革命以來面臨生態、環境、氣候與資源的惡化與失序,不斷發出警訊與徵兆。二十世紀末人類對地球環境意識逐漸覺醒,回顧對地球生態環境快速的破壞,造成嚴重的結果,絕非人類所能控制和承擔;影響所及從地球環境、自然生態、人類社會以及個體的健康安全,環環相扣無一幸免,迫使人們積極思考解決之道。 國民小學是國民接受正式教育的啟蒙階段,適時給予永續環境知識、技能、概念和負責任的態度,對人類永續發展更具成效。小學教育堪稱是永續環境教育發展的基石,打造永續校園成為一本綠色的教科書是必要的。 本研究運用 AHP 理論,蒐集教育處及環教輔導團成員、行政人員、教師及專家學者四類專家,對國民小學推動永續校園現況作評估,經由問卷調查整理分析一致性的觀點,再歸納探究獲得研究結果,可提供政府在推動永續校園規畫或改造時參酌。 本研究透過相關文獻探討,歸納彙整重要的評估要素,設計第一階段Likert五點量表專家問卷;調查結果,進行平均數與標準差分析,取得平均數 4 以上的 22 點題項為要素準則,完成「國民小學推動永續校園現況之評估層級架構」,據此編製第二階段 AHP 相對權重調查問卷。 問卷回收後,透過一致性檢定篩檢有效問卷,藉以控制結果的可信度,由 AHP 成對比較過程,獲得要素間相對重要性的權重值,建立權重優先順序,以提供相關單位有參考價值之訊息。分析結果如下: 一、在目標層下的評估要素,分析整體專家認為優先順序為:「政府政策的明確」(0.373)、「資源的投入」(0.213)、「學校行政的支持」(0.184)、「教師配合與指導」(0.148)、「落實執行與考核」(0.082)。 二、在「政府政策的明確」項下要素準則,分析整體專家認為優先順序為:「制訂國家永續發展目標」(0.347)、「訂定永續校園教育目標」(0.258)、「提升全民永續發展觀念」(0.163)、「規劃永續發展課程」(0.143)、「推動綠建築與綠色採購」(0.089)。 三、在「資源的投入」項下要素準則,分析整體專家認為優先順序為:「加強與社區總體營造」(0.290)、「汰換並使用節能設備」(0.251)、「建置綠能教學設備」(0.213)、「提高校園基地保水性」(0.147)、「校園植栽選用台灣原生種」(0.100)。 四、在「學校行政的支持」項下要素準則,分析整體專家認為優先順序為:「校長的認知與執行意志」(0.380)、「訂定學校永續發展實施計畫」(0.253)、「規劃節能減廢措施」(0.151)、「營造校園生物多樣性環境」(0.116)、「加強綠色採購」(0.100)。 五、在「教師的配合與指導」項下要素準則,分析整體專家認為優先順序為:「了解永續校園政策精神」(0.406)、「永續議題融入教學」(0.236)、「指導垃圾減量及資源回收」(0.196)、「設計相關教案及教材」(0.162)。 六、在「落實執行與考核」項下要素準則,分析整體專家認為優先順序為:「教職員生共同參與決策」(0.466)、「教師教學及學生學習成效」(0.294)、「校園環境衛生之提升」(0.239)。 七、就整體權重,最優先重視前 5 項要素準則依序為:「制訂國家永續發展目標」(0.134)、「訂定永續校園教育目標」(0.096)、「校長的認知與執行意志」(0.070)、「加強與社區總體營造」(0.062) 、「提升全民永續發展觀念」和「了解永續校園政策精神」(0.059)。


Ever since the Industrial Revolution, mankinds have faced constantly warnings and signs in the degradation and the disorder of ecology, environment, climate, and resources. In the late twentieth century, while in recalling the rapid destruction of the earth’s environment, the gradually awakening human’s consciousness has acknowledged that the caused serious results are far beyond theirs control and commitment; a consequence from the earth''s environment, natural ecology, human society, to individual health and safety all interlocking together forces people to positively think about absolutions. Elementary School is a Initiation phase for a national of formal education and timely giving sustainable environmental knowledge, skills, concepts and responsible attitude towards the sustainable development will be more effective to human beings’ developments. Primary education can be rated as the cornerstone of sustainable development and environmental education, and it is necessary to build the campus into a sustainable green textbook. This study used the AHP theory, collected the assessments of the sustainable campus promoting status in elementary school from four groups of the Education Department and the environmental education & counseling team members, administrators, teachers, and scholars through questionnaire survey, analyzed the consistency point of view, and then summarized the explored findings of the research. The results of this study can be provided to the government to take into account for any plan or reform on campus sustainability promotion. The researcher, through reviewing relevant literatures, summarized and aggregated important elements for assessment and then designed the first phase of a five-point Likert scale questionnaire for experts; after the completion of survey, the results were analyzed by mean and standard deviation method to obtain 22 items as the elements of criteria, in which the mean of each item is above 4. The preparation of the second phase of the relative weights of AHP questionnaire was conducted based on the completion of the “Hierarchical Structure of Assessment of the Current Situation of Sustainable Campus Promotion in National Primary School.” Collected questionnaire were firstly through the consistency test to screen effective questionnaires in order to control the credibility of the results, and via the pairwise comparison process of AHP to access the relative importance between the weight values of elements to establish the weight priorities in order to provide a reference value for the relevant units of the message. The analyzed results are as follows: 1. The assessment elements under target levels of the results were: “clear government policies” (0.373), “resources allocation” (0.213), “school administration''s support” (0.184), “teachers’ coordination and guidance” (0.148), “effective implementation and evaluation” (0.082). 2. Under the evaluation criterion of “clear government policies,” on the whole, the experts suggested that the most important criteria were in the order as follows: “establish national sustainable development goals” (0.347), “set up sustainable campus educational objectives” (0.258), “upgrade universal concept of sustainable development” (0.163), “planning sustainable development programs” (0.143), “promote green building and green procurement” (0.089). 3. Under the evaluation criterion of “resources allocation,” on the whole, the experts suggested that the most important criteria were in the order as follows: “strengthen Integrative development with communities” (0.290), “replace and use the energy-saving equipments” (0.251), “build green energy teaching equipment” (0.213), “improve the water retention of the campus base” (0.147), “selected native species for campus planting” (0.100). 4. Under the evaluation criterion of “school administration''s support,” on the whole, the experts suggested that the most important criteria were in the order as follows: “the principal’s perception and willingness of implementation” (0.380), “set the implementation plan for school sustainable development” (0.253), “planning energy-saving waste reduction measures” (0.151), “create a environmental biodiversity on campus” (0.116), “strengthen the green procurement” (0.100). 5. Under the evaluation criterion of “teachers’ coordination and guidance,” on the whole, the experts suggested that the most important criterion were in the order as follows: “understand the spirit of sustainable campus policy” (0.406), “infuse the issue of sustainability into teaching” (0.236), “conduct waste reduction and resource recycling” (0.196), “design-related lesson plans and teaching materials” (0.162). 6. Under the evaluation criterion of “effective implementation and evaluation,” on the whole, the experts suggested that the most important criterion were in the order as follows: “students and faculty members participate in decision-making” (0.466), “teaching and learning effectiveness” (0.294), “upgrade campus environmental sanitation” (0.239). 7. As for the global weights of the criteria, the criteria with top five weights are in the order as follows: “establish national sustainable development goals” (0.134), “set up sustainable campus educational objectives” (0.096), “the principal’s perception and willingness of implementation” (0.070), “strengthen Integrative development with communities” (0.062), “upgrade universal concept of sustainable development” and “understand the spirit of sustainable campus policy” (0.059).




