  • 學位論文


A Study on the Attitude and Behavior of Engineers'' Conservation and Carbon Reduction

指導教授 : 林盛隆


二氧化碳排放之所以嚴重是由於工業的進步造成,控制二氧化碳排放量急需各國努力。本文針對環境議題中導致全球氣候劇烈變化造成全球暖化效應的原兇二氧化碳所之進行工程人員對節能減碳概念及政策的態度與行為之研究。探討各種不同背景變項之工程人員對節能減碳概念及政策的態度及行為之情形。及節能減碳態度及行為相關性情形。 本研究以問卷調查方式進行工程人員對節能減碳概念及政策的態度與行為之調查,利用SPSS統計軟體以描述性統計探討工程人員對節能減碳概念及政策的態度與行為的情形,再分別對不同背景變項進行獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析法及多重比較法對節能減碳政策的態度與行為各向度進行差異性考驗。 分析結果顯示,工程人員對節能減碳概念及政策的態度與行為以李克特五點量表施測整體的平均數分別為 4.03及 3.79具正向的認同度。而影響員工對節能減碳態度之主要有性別,年齡、子女數、工作年資、教育程度、參加研習經驗或活動、觀看環境議題議題電視節目、瀏覽有關環境議題網站及及全球暖化認同觀點。而影響行為之主要因素有有性別,年齡、子女數、工作年資、教育程度、不同職業別、參加研習經驗或活動、觀看環境議題議題電視節目、瀏覽有關環境議題網站及及全球暖化認同觀點。同時,在「節能減碳的態度」與「節能減碳的行為」之間的相關係數皆有明顯顯著相關,顯示工程師對節能減碳的態度與行為影響明顯。


節能減碳 態度 行為 問卷調查


The increasing of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is due to our advancement in industry. To control the emission of carbon dioxide need every countries’ effort in the world. This research is discussing the attitude and behavior regarding the concept of saving energy and reduces the emission of carbon dioxide for those people of different engineering background. The research is using questionnaire survey to process. In addition, using SPSS statistic software to gather and describe those people’s attitude and behavior. Finally, to sort out the result of different career people’s behavior toward this energy saving policy using “One-Sample T-test”, “One-Way ANOVA” and multiple comparison method to the variation trial. The analysis of the result using “Likert scale” the result falls in average of 4.03 and 3.79 which means most people agree and have a positive approval of this policy. The criteria affecting people of the positive attitude including sex, age, number of kid in the family, years of work, education level, experience of joining some particular research or activity, watching some environmental TV programs and browsing on the internet of Green House Effect issue. In addition, the criteria affecting people’s behavior of this issue also including those described criteria above. In the meantime, the relationship between the attitude and behavior of energy saving and reduce emission of carbon dioxide are outstanding. This means the realization of energy saving and reduce emission of carbon dioxide is affecting people’s attitude and behavior a lot.


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Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, ”The Physical Science Basis, ”
IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, Working Group I Report(2007a)
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