  • 學位論文


Story House in the Kindergarten–A Case Study of College Students Graduation Project in Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 李宜娟


中文摘要 本研究以台中市某科技大學幼兒保育系16位大四學生之畢業專題活動為例,瞭解其幼兒園規劃之故事屋活動的運作情形與合作關係。本研究旨在探討故事屋之經營特色、說書人之表現情形、幼兒參與活動之反應及故事屋成員之合作關係。 本研究為質性研究取向,資料搜集方法以參與觀察法為主,輔以半結構式訪談,並透過文獻、照片、影片及相關檔等資料做全面性的瞭解。主要研究工具包括:說故事人觀察表、全班幼兒參與說故事活動觀察表及個別幼兒參與說故事活動觀察表,研究之重要發現如下: 一、本個案故事屋之特色為「旅遊主題系列故事」及「完整的課程模式」,與目前國內經營的故事屋之模式略有不同。 二、本故事屋成員的說書方式以「演劇」為主,至於說書技巧較因人而異,少部份成員因說故事經驗不足,在自創故事、角色揣摩、與孩子互動及臨場反應等表現上較有困難。另外,影響幼兒喜愛聽故事的原因,包括:故事主題與內容、同儕影響、與說書人的熟悉度、幼兒年齡等因素都是有相關性的。 三、藉由本個案研究可清楚發現合作學習的重要性,它可以促進學生的學習效能、自信心及問題解決態度等能力。   透過本研究之發現,將此歷程提供給未來從事相關工作者及產業機構在未來辦理相關領域活動時之參考。 關鍵詞:畢業專題、故事屋、說故事、合作學習


Story House in the kindergarten – A Case Study of College Students’ Graduation Project in Central Taiwan Abstract   This research was based on a college students’ graduation project –to run a kindergarten story house in Taichung. It’s aimed to understand how the students operate the Story House in the Kindergarten and extend to the overall operational circumstances. The main purpose was to understand that the Story House of curriculum planning, and the relationship between the storyteller and the children during the activities, and to seek for the members cooperative relationship.   This research was a qualitative approach Case study. Data collection methods include observation, interviews, and collection of related documents and records. Research tools include “Observe form for storytelling” , “Observe form for the whole class child participates in an activity”, “Observe form for The child participates in an activity”. This research draws the following conclusions: 1.In this case, the Story House is featured in “series of stories with tourism theme” and “complete curriculum model”, slightly different from the current operating model of domestic story house. 2.The Story House members mainly adopt the way of “acting”. The storytelling skills of storytellers vary with different individuals. Lacking experience, few members feel rather difficult to make up stories, figure out roles, interact with children, improvise and so on. In addition, reasons affecting infants’ preference to the stories are related to the theme and content of the story, peer influence, familiarity of the storytellers, infants’ ages and other factors. 3.This case study shows the importance of cooperative learning clearly, which promotes the learning efficiency, self-confidence, attitudes to solving problems and other abilities of students. Findings of this study will be provided to the relevant workers and industry organizations for their reference in handling relevant activities in the future. Keywords: graduation project, story house, storytelling, cooperative learning


